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This project main goal is to influence and conduct the modernization of the education and training system used in organizations working in the field of visual impairment directly focusing on their professional bodies, bridging a deficiency of available specific training in this area in many of the participating countries, while, at the same time, promoting the exchange of experience and know-how b ...
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Creating collaborative training networks

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

Even in apprenticeship, skilled apprentices and SMEs face skills mismatches. One of the reasons is that the classic model “one apprentice-one company” does not always allow to cover all the activities of an occupation/training profile. In the dual system of the models countries, like Germany and Austria, training centers have developed collaborative networks. Collaborative training means that a co ...
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Língua, Investigação, Desenvolvimento, Oportunidade!

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

Project LIDO - Language, Investigation, Development, Opportunity - seeks to boost the inclusion of the participation of visually impaired people in vocational training and intercultural activities with other European countries - students and staff of the organization. The main objectives are: to encourage the development of the use of a foreign LANGUAGE, INVETIGATE new perspective to Develop bette ...
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Europe 2020's targets state that in the EU 75% of the 20 to 64 year olds should be in employment by 2020 and at least 20 million fewer people should be lifted out of the risk of poverty or social exclusion by 2020. However, a high percentage of young people in Europe fail at obtaining a vocational educational training of any kind. The youths in question often share a history of school and VET dro ...
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Level up! Workplace Tutor goes Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The project "Level-up! Workplace Tutor goes Europe" aims at increased professionalisation and improved qualification of in-company VET personnel as one of the key actors of vocational education. It will work at two levels, a) the practitioners level and b) the political level. At the practitioners level, it will provide an outstanding example of innovative training for in-company training personne ...
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Europe's major growth strategies recognize the role that the education has as an essential driver of innovation and development, and a generator of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in the EU, as recognized also by the Europe 2020 Strategy and European policy priorities for vocational and educational training (VET). Education and training contributes also to the social, economic and envi ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Under the Europe 2020 strategy, Europe is transitioning towards a low-carbon economy. The construction sector plays an important role with regard to its priorities concerning smart growth, with respect to investments in education, research and innovation, to sustainable growth with respect to energy consumption and emissions and to inclusive growth, which focuses on job creation and poverty reduct ...
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DREAM: Dynamic Reinforcement for European Adaptation of Migrants

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

“DREAM: Dynamic Reinforcement for European Adaptation of Migrants” is aimed at exchanging experience and good practices for reinforcing the adaptation and social inclusion of migrants and the capacities of key stakeholders responsible for their integration. DREAM is neither an academic project nor a project of policy makers, but a network project that works at provisional level, looking directly i ...
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Nauka przez doświadczenie

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Our project “Learning by Experience” is dedicated to students and teachers of Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego w Sosnowcu, ul: Kilińskiego 25. Participants of the project will be 136 schoolgirls and schoolboys aged 17-20, including 8 handicapped students (i.e. having a pedagogical/psychological opinion of the necessity of special education or having a disability certificate) and 10 te ...
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The assumption of the project is quality raising of the vocational training in Zespół Szkół and Placówek Kształcenia Zawodowego in Bielawa. There are two students’ mobilities in the project. The main aim of activities is to equip students with additional skills to broaden their employment opportunities. Students’ participation in the training abroad will let them to shape their practical skills ...
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En enda bedre skole: skoleutvikling gjennom internasjonalt samarbeid

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018,

Dalane Upper Secondary School has defined internationalization as a key target area, firmly rooted in both leadership, other staff and students. Between 2016 and 2018 we want to focus on two relevant themes for school development, assessment for learning and reducing the number of early leavers. Both themes are defined by Rogaland Fylkeskommune as focus areas. At the end of this periode, we are co ...
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New Skills for the Landbased Industries

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018,

The Lower Saxony Forestry Training Centre is the only institution in Germany which is operating as a sending and hosting institution covering the projects of mobility called NEWLAB, IEFMO and TRAINING for TRAINER. The corresponding partners in these projects are vocational schools, further on a forestry training centre and commercial forestry operations in Austria, Finland, Poland and Sweden. As i ...
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The transition to buildings of very low energy consumption would prove significantly harder without measures for improving workforce qualification in the construction industry. In recent years we witnessed increased trend of professional construction education that prepares personnel of insufficient practical fitness, hence companies have to offer the newly employed workers and employees re-qualif ...
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Budujemy swoją przyszłość

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

The applying institution is the Building and General Education School Complex in Braniewo-ZSB(Varmia and Masuria voivodeship). The host is BFW in Germany which will be responsible for organizing work placement for students in Frankfurt. The project is set to last 24 months commencing from September 2016 to the end of August 2018. The participants in the project are 17-19 year old building technic ...
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Dobra praktyka to dobrzy fachowcy.

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

...ghway engineering and 20 students specializing in landscape architecture, as well as 4 teachers - counsellors from the Complex of Vocational Schools nr 1 in Kielce will take part in a trip to the BFW Training Center in Frankfurt on the Odra river as part of vocational training. 2nd and 3rd class students will participate in the project.The partners of the project are: The Complex of Voca ...
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The project "Improvement of vocational qualifications- a ticket to a European career" involves the participation of 61 students. The implementation of the project is planned for the years 2016-2018. We are planning that the participants of the project will be the students of the Technical Building School, specializing in construction and geodesy. The partnership organizations agreed for the durat ...
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Praktisko zināšanu pilnveidošana

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

The project „Development of Practical Knowledge" from the June 1, 2016 to Aprill 30, 2018, in cooperation with the Vocational Advancement Service at the Association of Construction Industry in Germany, Portugal EPD and EPLEFPA of LOT et GARONNE in France (EPLEFPA47) will provide professional development for staff and students traineeships.Objectives of the project:1. To support increase of the pro ...
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...actice in Germany - better chance at labour market" is an internship program for students of SPŠ stavební in Liberec. Dispatching organization is SPŠ stavební Liberec, partnership organization is BFW Bau Sachsen e.V. Überbetriebliches Ausbildungszentrum Bautzen from Bautzen. Project will be held in the course of 18 months, from September 2016 to February 2018.Internships will take place in BFW Bau ...
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Inwestuj w siebie - rozwijaj swoje talenty

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Zespol Szkol Zawodowych (Vocational Schools) in Wolsztyn is one of the largest vocational schools in the Wielkopolska (Greater Poland) province. For many years we successfully educated young people in many handcraft professions to meet the demand of the job market in the region. The number of students has remained at the level of 1,500 people. This success is influenced by various factors like fol ...
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Inclusion of people with blindness or vision impairment into social life and worksphere is a huge task for our society as a whole. There are several elaborate and expensive technical devices available for this target group. Such assistive devices are e.g. reading devices, Braille displays, or computer based recognition systems for workplace, but also aids for all day living. The technological deve ...
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The aim of the project is to prepare students attending the Complex of Technical Schools in Wodzislaw Slaski on the directions: IT specialist and construction technician, to effectively look for a job and get their first job after graduating. It is essential that this should occur as soon as possible after obtaining professional qualifications. One of the factors that would help in that intention ...
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Mistrzowie budownictwa i architektury krajobrazu

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The project involves two two-week trainings for two groups of 16 students from The Technical Building School in Gliwice (Zespol Szkol Budowlano-Ceramicznych) in the Building Industry Training Centre in Frankfurt/Oder (Berufsförderungswerk e.V. des Bauindustrieverbandes Berlin-Brandenburg) The subject of the training is developing skills in wooden constructions (carpentry) and paving. The project w ...
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Bądź konkurencyjny na rynku pracy !

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

...r 16-member groups: group A - II TAK, group - B II and III MZ, group C – II TB being carried out in the training facilities of The Vocational Training Promotion Centre of Berlin and Brandenburg (BFW) – Frankfurt/Oder; group D – II TUiSEO in the enterprises of Huerto Solar De Sirius S.I. and Grupo Nazareth. The timetable for the groups is as follows: group A-VI 2016, group B and D-IX 2016, gro ...
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...nternships for students: 04.04.2016-30.04.2016 and 13.03.2017-07.04.2017 and training for staff: 04.042016 - 11.04.2016 and Berufsförderungswerk EV des Bauindustrieverbandes Berlin-Brandenburg E.V. (BFW) in Germany, where he held an internship: 03.10.2016 -17.10.2016 for students and 03.10.2016 - 10.10.2016 training and workshops for staff. The main objectives of the project are to: - improve and ...
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Europejskie rzemiosło

Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017,

The project concerns the professional experience for 32 juvenile workers who are students of State School in Gołdap. They get their education in many different professions like: chef, carpenter and car mechanic. The participants of the project will be students of 2nd and 3rd class of Junior High School and students of 1st and 2nd class from vocational school who complete their school education ...
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...ce in mobility projects. There will also be 20 participants from the construction class who will undergo a two-week-long training in the vocational training center in Cottbus, Germany in autumn 2016. BFW, the host organization in Germany, will provide the students with the practical training on masonry work techniques in their well-equipped training center under the supervision of experienced inst ...
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The aim of this project is to improve the inclusion of vision impaired people and their quality of life. Even 14 years after the ratification of WHO's "International Classification of Functioning, Disability and health" (ICF), vision impaired people make the experience, that the assessment of their performance is still reduced to their impairment. Concerns about their physical autonomy and mobil ...
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...oughly the degree of meeting the established criteria.In autumn 2016 the students together with two teachers will go to Frankfurt/Oder in Germany, one of the three training centres belonging to BFW, that is the institution for promoting vocational education for constructing industry of Berlin and Brandenburg. The students will take part in two-weeks vocational training course under the care of hig ...
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The participation in the project „Mobile professionals from Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych of Franciszek Ratajczak in Kościan – active participants of the European labor market” will result in gaining additional vocational skills and improving foreign language comunication by the participants of the project. It will cause raising of their professional qualifications and mobility which facilitat ...
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Training community actors to foster entrepreneurship education

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

The initiative wants to transfer and adapt a model of promotion of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education based on the key concept that education, and in this case entrepreneurship education, happens everywhere, particularly in those environments in which children and young people receives first education (family, school, local community). The original project was developed in Extremadura ...
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In the scope of the project there will be organized two two-week and three-week vocational training for 40 students who are taught in the profession of technician of gardening, technician of interior design, a sanitary system and equipment fitter and a fitter of buildings and finishing parts in building construction from vocational school. Realization of the project is expected for the period ...
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Learning in international internship

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The present project provides an opportunity for the teachers' qualification improvement and students' internships in Finland, Portugal, Italy, Turkey, Slovenia and Germany. Action 1. Students internships: 1. 4 students of car repair department have internships in Turkey 2. 15 students of construction department accompanied by one teacher have a learning programme in Germany (2 weeks) 3. 4 studen ...
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The participants of the project ‘European internship of young cooks and bricklayers – a chance for vocational development’ implemented in the frame of Erasmus + Programme will be a group of 50 pupils of Podlaska Voivodeship Unit of Voluntary Labor Corps (10 people in each group). They study professions of cook and bricklayer in Basic Vocational Schools in Łomża, Białystok, Augustów and Wasilków. ...
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Zagraniczne praktyki zawodowe przepustką do kariery

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project involves carrying 64 students enrolled in the framework of the OHP professional practices in the profession carpenter, bricklayer and cook. Apprenticeships will be carried out in the center of vocational education Berufsförderungswerk eV des Bauindustrieverbandes Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. Frankfurt an der Oder. The main objective of the project is to increase the professional capacity of ...
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Zespół Szkół Budowlanych in Poznań (ZSB) at the Vocational and High School of Construction Trades in Poznań (3/4 year study programme ) wishes to carry out the project Erasmus+ for students of the Technical College of Construction Trades and the Technical College of Landscape Architecture entitled ,,Vocational education without borders – vocational training abroad as a professional opportunity ...
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Our proposal is aimed at the acquisition of competencies for making WDVS composite systems according to standards of sustainable construction.It is planned that the practice involved two teachers and 18 students from in professional fields "Interior Design ", "Restoration" and "Construction" aged 16-18 years undergoing a thorough professional training . As host country we have chosen Germany b ...
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„Mistrz w zawodzie – Meister im Beruf”

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project “Master in a profession” is directed to 16 second class students of Construction Technical College in the name of general Grot Rowecki in Cieszyn: 12 construction technicians and 4 building and finishing works assemblers. Our project will be realized from the 1st of June 2016 till 31 May 2017 during the period of 12 months. Students will leave for two weeks foreign internships under th ...
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Rozwój zawodowy młodzieży z programem Erasmus Plus

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project is intended for 31 students in the initial stage of professional training. The participants of the project will be both girls and boys (students of the 2nd classes) who are educated in professions of landscape architecture technician, building technician and catering and home economics technician. Our students come mainly from rural areas which are particularly affected by the effect ...
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The participants of the project " Foreign Internship - alternative way of enhancing professional and personal mobile worker" will be 16 students of technical construction and 16 students of landscape architecture. Professional training will be held at the training center of the Department for Promotion of Vocational Training Building Industry Association of Berlin and Brandenburg in Frankfurt. Stu ...
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Europäische Mobilität in der berufichen Rehabilitation

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

... the job market and medical, psychological and social care. The Berufsförderungswerk Köln gGmbH is one of 28 facilities of the vocational rehabilitation system in Germany. With our project - Go BFW Cologne - vocational rehabilitation thinks out of the box! - we would like to enable our participants, our employees and our co-operating external partners on the one hand to be able to meet innovativ ...
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