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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project “Learning by Experience” is dedicated to students and teachers of Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego w Sosnowcu, ul: Kilińskiego 25. Participants of the project will be 136 schoolgirls and schoolboys aged 17-20, including 8 handicapped students (i.e. having a pedagogical/psychological opinion of the necessity of special education or having a disability certificate) and 10 teachers.The main goal of the project is to improve the quality of education by broadening the scope of knowledge and skills of students and teachers at Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego w Sosnowcu, ul: Kilińskiego 25.Operational goals are to: - complement the basic educational programme with areas that are not realised within the school's core curriculum- validate and assess the vocational training in Europass Mobility certificates- raise the awareness of the need for further education- build the skill of objective assessment of own work and participants of the team - improve knowledge of foreign languages, use the language in practice, especially in situations at work (professional language)- facilitate the professional development of students and teachers - gain the competitive position on the European job market and thus increase the chances for employment in Poland and abroad- learn to work in international team- get to know culture of foreign country- increase the sense of self-confidence thanks to working in an multinational environment, eliminating the language barrer and managing in the difficult situations- improve the ICT and e-learning use/skills- create enterprising attitude based on national and European job market needsThe project meets local job market needs, it is consistent with Regional Development Strategy of the Voivodeship of Silesia 2020+ and with Erasmus+ priorities and goals of the Europe 2020 strategy. The project aims at facilitating vocational mobility of young people via validation of the experience gained abroad with Europass Mobility document, supports enterprising attitude and assumes ICT skills development and language competences. The project will be carried out in the years 2016-18, depending on the occupation as two-week or four-week vocational trainings, taking place in accordance with practical training programme of CKZiU. Students will cary out their training in state or private companies in Germany, Italy, Spain and Portugal according to a programme that has been approved in accordance with their vocational profile. Teachers will undergo a job shadowing programme in Germany and Romania.A follow-up to the vocational part of the project will be a cultural programme, allowing for getting to know UE culture via sightseeing and taking part in cultural events while the time of project stay. Residing in a multicultural environment and communication with foreign peers will motivate the students to learn languages and continue education. The project will contribute to improvement of the quality of school work - the skills of teachers acquired during mobilities will influence high quality of educational service offered by CKZiU - our teachers will use new technologies at work and solve problems while working with students - connected with behaviour and intellectual deficiency.Due to the type of schools and vocational profiles that are taught at CKZiU our students are mainly boys. Girls constitute only 25 % of the total number of students. While recruiting and realising the project we will pay attention to provide equal opportunities for sexes to prevent gender discrimination.
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