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Wspólnie Budujemy Europę. Nasza Wiedza i Umiejętności Kapitałem Przyszłości.
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project is to raise the competence of students - knowledge and professional /technical skills through vocational training in foreign construction companies in Italy and the accredited training center in Germany, and at the same time the competence of the teaching personnel through the trainings in Italian and German training centres, which are in charge of promotion, organisation and management of professional trainings and educational programmes for students, teaching staff, young workers and organisations from all over the Europe. Students and teachers will learn new skills within the organisational structure of construction companies, the organisation of the construction works, the management and coordination of works, organization and execution of work related to the use of buildings and the use of modern technologies in construction. Because of the individual branches of Building Technical School project participants of the third grade will take part in two internship trips , and second grade in the last one.Within two years, there will be two four-week internship in Italy and one two-week to Germany, which will be attended by a total group of 30 students and one tutor per group. There will be 2 trainings for 7persons of the peronnel in Italy and Germany. Our foreign partners are Sistema Turismo, Italy, where there will be two internships for students: 04.04.2016-30.04.2016 and 13.03.2017-07.04.2017 and training for staff: 04.042016 - 11.04.2016 and Berufsförderungswerk EV des Bauindustrieverbandes Berlin-Brandenburg E.V. (BFW) in Germany, where he held an internship: 03.10.2016 -17.10.2016 for students and 03.10.2016 - 10.10.2016 training and workshops for staff. The main objectives of the project are to: - improve and develop the quality of training and practice in our school - to increase students' qualifications for better preparation for external examinations at the end of school, - increasing the attractiveness of our school in the local community - the acquisition of knowledge and skills through exchange of experiences, insights and best practices - European technology transfer to the Polish ground through job shadowing, - enrichment of the intellectual potential of the inhabitants of our municipality and county ,- raising language skills, - personality development of students in the field of entrepreneurship, - ability to cope with difficult situations, - sharing knowledge and experience, persistence and perseverance to strive for - learning new cultural and adjust to the new conditions. Project activities will contribute to the enrichment of the educational offer of our school and at the same time the enrichement of he training of students and teachers. This project is a great opportunity for the staff and pupils of the School in Działoszyn to familiarize themselves with the work of foreign companies and knowledge of modern technologies in construction work. We expect that it will increase interest in companies that employ our graduates who are holders of experience abroad, hence the need for the project. It provides an opportunity for the development of our students coming from non-privileged rural environment, a change of mentality and horizons, the development of professional skills and knowledge and linguistic competence, prospects better results on external examinations: matriculation and vocational subjects, greater opportunities to study for graduates, generational break of the pattern of no need of the education, students greater opportunities in the labor market. For the expansion of workshop staff, increase their skills and competence, openness to other methods and technologies of work, a willingness to learn and share it with successive vintages our students and thereby the quality of their own work and the work of the school. This should contribute to increase the recruitment of junior high school students to our school in subsequent years. The main indicators achieved by pupils targets will be 30 Passport Europass Mobility; 30 supplements Diplomas confirming vocational qualifications; 30 attestations of professional practice; 3 multimedia presentations with preparations for the trip; 3 multimedia presentations from the course of professional practice; conference promoting our activities in the local community; link on our school website and newsletter articles for Kuratorium Oświaty - Board of Education; articles in local newspapers and informationon on the radio Ziemi Wieluńskiej.
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