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Doskonalenie kwalifikacji zawodowych przepustką do europejskiej kariery zawodowej
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Improvement of vocational qualifications- a ticket to a European career" involves the participation of 61 students. The implementation of the project is planned for the years 2016-2018. We are planning that the participants of the project will be the students of the Technical Building School, specializing in construction and geodesy. The partnership organizations agreed for the duration of the internship for two weeks for each group.Professional practice will take place in a specialized vocational training center in Frankfurt, , Your International Training Mallow in Ireland and Bragamob in Braga, Portugal. These centers employ teaching staff, who will hold mentoring and will teach practical vocational workshops. The internship is integrally associated with the path of education of the students in our country.The overall objective of the project is to increase the effectiveness of vocational training and education and a high level of key skills gained during internships in Europe. Through the whole process of education it is necessary to give the students additional key competencies and skills in line with the core curriculum in these professions. This will enable them to acquire self-confidence and mobility in the labor market, also in an international environment. It is also necessary to broaden students' knowledge and skills acquired in theoretical and practical classes at school in the profession techniques of construction and geodesy by new technologies used in other European countries. These are incentives to innovate in technical education of construction and surveying (geodesy) at our Technical Building School. By participating in an internship, students will be able to complete the training and experience gained at school, which they can use during their studies at the Technical University and professional life.These assumptions fit in Bydgoszcz Education Development Strategy for the years 2013 - 2020, and relate to adapt education to the needs of the economy and the labor market. Our aim is also to build a positive image of technical education and the effective cooperation of the school with vocational training institutions. Internships are carried out in accordance with the core curriculum in the profession, expanding them further with new skills that the student can get only when he/she practices them. Foreign trips also raise the prestige and feedback to our school - both among current students and their parents / guardians, and among the candidates to study at the Technical Building School in Bydgoszcz.Internships can improve language skills of pupils in general with an emphasis on vocabulary training. They will also have the chance to gain new experience by youth intercultural skills and language through being in different cultural and other language environment (expand learned at school skills in vocabulary related to a given industry professional ability, to cooperate, to cope with difficult situations, to develop personal culture). Students will develop competencies personality through individual actions and through their success (proper motivation, the ability of self-criticism, a willingness to achieve good results) Students will strengthen a sense of active European citizenship, solidarity and tolerance among European youth. These activities, which play a huge role in young people’s lives, are often neglected in terms of their social status. They provide an opportunity for rapid independence from social problems. By completing a work placement project participants will gain unique experiences, improve their knowledge and professional skills necessary for their specialty working workers in modern companies. It would be very useful if the acquired by the participants knowledge could be proved by the Europass Mobility certification, which is recognized by employers throughout the European Union.

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3 Partners Participants