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En enda bedre skole: skoleutvikling gjennom internasjonalt samarbeid
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Dalane Upper Secondary School has defined internationalization as a key target area, firmly rooted in both leadership, other staff and students. Between 2016 and 2018 we want to focus on two relevant themes for school development, assessment for learning and reducing the number of early leavers. Both themes are defined by Rogaland Fylkeskommune as focus areas. At the end of this periode, we are confident that we will have acquired valuable knowledge, experiences and concrete tools to implement in the entire organization. As part of an international labor market, we consider it essential that our students get international perspectives and experiences throughout their educational careers. In this respect, we have for several years cooperated with schools in Europe for the exchange of students in vocational training for professional practice in enterprises in the partner country. Likewise, we have as part of our commitment to the development of a new national vocational education and training for wind technicians cooperated with various European institutions developing expertise in this field. Current school needs have been directing the content of this current application. Our students need to develope language skills og perspectives on integration and tolerance. On a teacher level, we want to develop our skills in assessment for learning, we want to learn more about how succesful class leadership can reduce the number of early school leavers and we want to learn more about how to deal with refugees' strengths and weaknesses. Finally, it is also an important aim to further enhance our teachers' professional skills. On a school level, we want to deal with the same issues, but focusing on how school leadership can facilitate both employees and students in order to meet the needs satisfactorily. In order to cover our current needs through this Erasmus Application, we apply for the following learner and staff mobilities in cooperation with our six partners:1. VET learners traineeships in companies abroad. Here we apply for a total of 79 students and 16 companions for mobility to Germany and the United Kingdom.2. VET learners traineeships in vocational institutes abroad. We apply for a total of 49 students and 6 companions for mobility to various partners in Germany.3. Staff training abroad to enhance the competence for school staff on an international arena to develop higher quality education, individual expertise, capacity for innovation and international contacts that can be used in the classroom to give students better and more relevant training. This time, we have deliberately applied for shorts stays, since we find it important that as many different staff as possible can participate in international projects, especially in other to implement the findings throughout the school system. We apply for 49 staff members for mobility to Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and Sweden (Staff training abroad) and for 6 staff members to get foreign teaching experience in Germany (Teaching/training assignments abroad).We experience that international cooperation gives students unique and sought-after skills in the labour market. Through staff mobility the school will expand the perspectives and expertise in relation to learning and teaching. Students and teachers develop language skills and cultural competence. The international cooperation enhances their ability to better understand Europe as one transnational labour market, and to develop their skills for learning and innovation. Through transnational sharing of experiences the entire organization develops, positively influence not only both staff and pupils, but also local companies and our international partners.

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