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New Skills for the Landbased Industries
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Lower Saxony Forestry Training Centre is the only institution in Germany which is operating as a sending and hosting institution covering the projects of mobility called NEWLAB, IEFMO and TRAINING for TRAINER. The corresponding partners in these projects are vocational schools, further on a forestry training centre and commercial forestry operations in Austria, Finland, Poland and Sweden. As intermediary partners are involved the Forest Entrepreneur Association of Lower Saxony, the forest district Lüneburger Heide of the Institute for Federal Real Estate (BIMA) and the Berlin Forest Service. At the NEWLAB project the trainees participated at a 3 or 4 week session at a training facility. The project IEFMO focused on young employees who wanted to strengthen their skills to operate forest machinery. The other project TRAINING for TRAINER is dedicated to the training staff to improve their teaching skills. From 1998 to 2000 the NFBz participated in the project IEFMO at pilot scheme level. Furthermore the project TOOLS for SKILLS was covered from 2012 to 2014 and from 2015 until 2018 in the strategic partnership TOOLS for SKILLS – TEACHER TRAINING. The NFBz is participating with NEMO, a network of the Ministry of Education of Lower Saxony for the vocational schools, which operates Leonardo da Vinci mobility projects. These mobility projects should be integrated into the new project named NEWLAB and the gathered results from TOOLS for SKILLS shall be used for the fusion. The overall goal is to enhance the skill level of the trainers and the training session for the apprentices of forest worker. The project is intended to promote the individual progress of every trainee and trainer as well as the language knowledge in English. Additional aspects are the social skills, commercial competence and promoting one’s own initiative by leaving the travel arrangements to the respective partners to the attendants themselves, usually done in small groups. Other goals are to incorporate the Barony College as a hosting institution and the forestry training centre Kunsterspring as an interface partner for this mobility project.The project is supposed to take 24 months. During this period a total number of 30 trainees for becoming a forest worker shall participate in a 4 week training session. This training is part of the advanced skill level of certified forest machine operator hosted at the NFBz. The training staff is participating with 32 members. This number covers the top-level trainers, the intermediate trainer staff and the teachers residing at the vocational school, the trainer und teachers from the NFBz, the members of the forestry examining boards, members of the employment agency´s vocational guidance service, staff members of the competent body of the agriculture chamber of Lower Saxony and the private forest entrepreneurs, providing an in-company initial vocational training. From September 2016 to May 2018 a total of 30 apprentices of forest worker should take part in six flows of a 3 or 4-week training session each. Of the trainers staff 32 Members are supposed to go at 6 Flows for 5 days to a corresponding partner. All the participating partners have been working together since 1998 on the different mobility projects by sending and hosting trainees and trainers. The project coordinators at the respective partners are generating a flow and a training agenda including a skill level assessment test. The trainers are adjusting the agenda together with the respective partners. The ECVET agreement is also being used to compare the acquired skill level of the trainees at the different places. The final result of the project shall be achieved when all places are covered by the trainees and trainers. We expect formal reports and a feedback on their acquired skills and experiences. The participants are supposed to use these documents and presentations to introduce this program to their successors. The trainer’s staff is improving the network to the colleagues at the respective partner facilities focusing on skills, methods and social competence. The attraction should be improved by the different training session in the European countries. In the long run they will develop into a unique feature of the forest workers and forest machine operators in Lower Saxony.According to current experiences this international exchange programs have a positive effect on the personal development of the apprentices. The participants have shown very good results during the final exams. The trainer’s staff is getting used to international exchanges of knowledge and the network will be improved for future projects in participating countries.

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