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Level up! Workplace Tutor goes Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Level-up! Workplace Tutor goes Europe" aims at increased professionalisation and improved qualification of in-company VET personnel as one of the key actors of vocational education. It will work at two levels, a) the practitioners level and b) the political level. At the practitioners level, it will provide an outstanding example of innovative training for in-company training personnel that enables a high-level qualification as well as a peer-to-peer exchange at European level. At the political level, Level up! pursues the establishment of a pan-European multi-stakeholder dialogue on current debates surrounding European VET policy. These two objectives will be implemented as follows: In a pan-European training course, a group of 14 participants from five European countries (Portugal, Spain, Finland, Hungary and Germany) will follow the blended-learning programme "European Workplace Tutor" previously developed in the LdV projects it's time and European Workplace Tutor (EWT) and adapted to include European aspects of VET policy and systems as well as current issues in the respective countries. The course will run over a period of 21 months and provide the participants with the complete learning outcomes of the European Workplace Tutor profile. Each seminar will take place in another country, the first seminar will take place in Ireland and combine a preparatory language training with subject-specific content. The second aim of the project is the initiation of a European debate on issues relevant to VET personnel. This debate will be put in action in the framework of the European Workplace Tutor Network. We will pursue this aim by a series of measures: a) the implementation of four multipliers’ events gathering stakeholders in order to discuss selected issues of relevance to current VET policy in Europe; b) the integration of debate issues and European stakeholders in existing networks and events of project partners; c) dissemination activities and d) additional expert consultation on results developed. The events will address aspects of the current European debate on VET issues and bring together VET personnel and stakeholders to discuss these and develop positions and recommendations to contribute to the further debate. These will be published in the form of subject-specific political recommendations and brochures. Through its objectives, the project wants to address existing needs of VET personnel in Europe. There is a continued need for a better qualification and improved professionalisation of VET personnel in Europe. This issue is of increased importance against the background of the current shift of policy paradigms in Europe, away from "streamlining" vocational education and towards holistic vocational education according to the model of dual training. At the same time, growing youth unemployment, especially in the South of Europe, increasingly diverse and heterogenous learners in VET, the continued need for more and better work-based learning, further training, improved training offers for career changers, to name but a few, also means that VET personnel, specifically in-company trainers, are faced with new and increasingly complex challenges in their daily work. This requires new competencies which can only be delivered by high-quality training programmes for VET personnel. At the same time, the qualification market in this field remains highly fragmented. In many countries, there are no or few training offers that go beyond a basic training in instruction methods, often higher level qualifications are only offered at university level. The project will make a contribution to an improved situation of qualification offers whilst also addressing the political situation that needs to create the framework to put the conditions in place that are needed for well-qualified VET personnel to contribute to an improved area of skills and qualifications in Europe.
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