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Otwarta Europa szansą rozwoju zawodowego uczniów opolskiej budowlanki.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the scope of the project there will be organized two two-week and three-week vocational training for 40 students who are taught in the profession of technician of gardening, technician of interior design, a sanitary system and equipment fitter and a fitter of buildings and finishing parts in building construction from vocational school. Realization of the project is expected for the period of 16 months, from June 2016 until the end of September 2017. Students will take part in the vocational training which is organized by a modern, well-equipped Centre of Training in the Frankfurt on the Oder and Leipzig in Germany and Secondary School of Construction in Zylina, in Slovakia The places , where students are going to serve their apprenticeship deal with vocational training in the field of construction. They have the most modern machines, appliances, programmes and workstations to teach the profession. Taking part in the training is caused by the need of increasing the vocational competence of future technicians and fitters, in view of dynamically developing labor market in the field of land development. The project will enable the participants to extend their knowledge and skills in the field of designing the places from concrete and natural sett stone in the historical and modern architecture of interior design and public places and it will extend their knowledge and skills in the field of building roads, pipelines, sewage system and general construction projects. Apart from that the trainees will get familiarized with the new computer programmes, technical appliances used in the building construction. They will train practical skills connected with measuring of a measuring equipment, designing the places with using decorative pavement, with modernization of sanitary fittings system and finishing parts in building construction. By doing the practical tasks they will learn, apart from typical solutions, to look for the solutions in emerging problems and they will master the skills of taking decisions connected with using optimal techniques at work.The project aims to develop students in many fields. By practical training they will extend their vocational competence. Moreover, they will have a possibility to compare technologies, tools used in German and Slovak building construction with those used in Poland. They will get familiarized with the German and Slovak labor market and their needs in this field. Thanks to shared classes with German and Slovak youth they will extend not only specialist vocabulary of German language in the field of building construction (which will enable them future career relations with employers, clients, contractors), but they will also improve the foreign language in the natural communicative situations. All the acquired experience they will be able to use in the future education and professional career. Confirmation of acquired skills will be the certificates, which will be additional advantage in looking for the job on the European market.As the sending institution we provide a wide promotion of the project in the region, among others, through publications in the local media, on our website. Their experience from the exchange, the students will pass also during the workshop and summing up of the project to other students and teachers of our school and other institutions of the same specialization. They will be able to present their skills to potential employers during the presentation of the project on the Conference Erasmus +. The project will be also presented during the educational fair in Opole. Departure to Germany and Slovakia , apart from professional and language advantages, will enable the participants to get familiarized with the culture and monuments of Germany or Slovakia. Moreover, it will develop their social and personal competence: skills of cooperation, appropriate reactions in problematic situations, self-critical assessment of their own work.The vocational trainings will take place from 27.03.2017. until 07.04.2017. in the Vocational Training Centre in the Frankfurt on the Oder and from 20.03.2017. until 07.04. 2017. in the External Practical Training Centre in Leipzig,( Germany), and from 14.11.2016. until 25.11.2016. in the Secondary School of Construction in Zylina (Slovakia).
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