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35 European Projects Found

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Healthy Diversity

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Cultural differences do matter in the capacity to provide and access health services. Exploratory training we have run show that professionals meet challenges related to cultural differences regularly – reflecting different conceptions and norms related to the body, to birth, to illness, to death, to medicine etc. These challenges, when not addressed properly, can result in the refusal of the tr ...
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YEP - Youth Empowerment in Practise

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

...mmunity of the city of Volos.Moreover, two foreign volunteers will do their services at Artemisszió Foundation in Budapest. One portugese and one greek volunteer will undertake a 6 month service at Artemisszio Foundation in Budapest, with a strong focus on activities for marginalized youth. The volunteers will get involved in our projects organizing mobility experiences for disadvantaged youth an ...
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Youths 4 Youths – Peer learning against Early School Leaving

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The main aim of the “Youth 4 Youth” Peer learning against Early School Leaving” project is to contribute to the reduction of early school leaving (ESL), especially amongst socially disadvantaged youth. We will do so by offering alternative tools - forum theatre methodology (FT) and community reporter (CR) methodology - in the framework of peer to peer learning for secondary schools. In the EU ES ...
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Preventing Early School Leaving Through Inclusive Strategies

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...nate share of pupils who derive from weak socio-economic backgrounds. The Turkish school exclusively has Roma pupils. The Romanian NGO “Gipsy Eye” and the Hungarian Foundation “Artemisszio” have been engaged for years in the field of teacher training, i.e. antidiscriminatory pedagogy. Applicant is the unit “Didactics of Citizenship Education” of the Leibniz University in Hannover, which educates s ...
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Young Activist for Peace - Welcome Refugees!

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

Contrary to the fundamental aims of the EU, the increasing number of people who have to flee to the EU to look for protection and asylum lead to division and undermine the basic principle of unity. Instead of a common approach in working out solutionsnew border fences are being built at the EU border and refugees who finally managed to get into an EU country are being sent on to neigboring countri ...
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YOUthWORKs for Peace

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

“YOUthWORKs for Peace” is the title of the follow up Training Course which is scheduled to take place in Athens, Greece from 4th until 11th of October 2016 (including travel days).This Training Course will involve 25 participants who actively took part in the project “Young Activists for Peace – Welcome Refugees” and in other relevant youth exchanges and local activities with the aim to evaluate a ...
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Test, társadalom, kultúra: együtt az integrációért

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The mobility project „Body, society, culture: together for integration” is designed to enhance the adult training methodology of three organizations: Artemisszió Alapítvány, Néprajzi Múzeum and Ars Erotica - through trainings, job shadowing and participation at a conference. Also, it will lay the basis for a medium-, and long term cooperation between the participating organizations in such specif ...
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Artemisszió Foundation has been realising mobility projects annually with the participation of socially disadvantaged youngsters in VET since 2001. Our present project, With equal chances: vocational training abroad for the integration of socially disadvantaged students (2015) is the continuation of our previous projects. As in our previous projects, we continue working with socially disadvantage ...
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Moving Generation Volunteering

Start date: Jan 5, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

BACKGROUND Moving Generation Volunteering is the results of former projects (Moving Generation, Moving Generation Pro) which have in common the necessity of adopting learning mobility as a way to improve individuals’ personal development toward the fulfilment of their European citizenship and acquisition of key competences. During the identification phase of the project cycle the partners have ana ...
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EVS Promoting Gender Equality AKA Activism

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

The ESV AKA Activism project aim is to create a network of volunteers / activists at national and international level, that pursues and continue REDE goals. That is, the promotion of gender equality through advocacy and activism actions. The project will be divided into two phases, the first being the construction of the group itself and the second the promotion of it. As a first step we build the ...
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Divercity - diving into diversity in museums and the city

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

There are barriers to access of culture virtually in all European societies, and these barriers are all the more destructive for those citizens, young people who live bellow the poverty line, are members of segregated cultural groups, whether or not they were born in other countries. Indeed, in their case access to culture could be an important source of “integration”, acquisition of the cultural ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Aug 8, 2016,

Trip'See project aims to develop and enhance the process of search for a job or career of youth from urban and rural areas in difficulty in order to make their EVS a springboard for their future. Quality support (training courses, tutoring, follow-ups, individual interview, tripartite maintenance, linguistic workshops, workshop on youth pass, CV workshop...) with key partners (receiving and sendi ...
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Life Scripts

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

"Life Scripts" is a 7 days Youth Exchange involving 7 European countries, born like our previous projects in an European context, driven by the constantly changing society we find ourselves in. The title of the exchange is worthy also of the subtitle "a journey in motion", because it sums up what this project is about: it is a journey of self-discovery, self-reflection and re-definition, through s ...
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This project: "Human Rights Education, Social Circus, Participatory Theater: a Social Model Exchange" is an outcome of the interest of all 3 European partner associations to multiply and improve the tools and abilities in the field of non formal education with youth at risk of social exclusion, by sharing and combining resources, abilities, experiences and good practices amongst them. Each one the ...
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Artemisszió Foundation has been realising mobility projects annually with the participation of socially disadvantaged youngsters in VET since 2001. Our present project, With equal chances: vocational training abroad for the integration of socially disadvantaged students (2014) is the continuation of our previous projects. As in our previous projects, we continue working with socially disadvantage ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

The " Erasmus Euromobilité + 2014 - Pôle emploi Centre " is an integral part of the service offered by the employment center for the region Centre . The project is to enable the beneficiaries to achieve a professional 3-month stay in a European company. Pôle emploi Centre completes the “Erasmus+” project by providing language training (70 hours). The project aims to develop the employability of ...
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EVS-Voice Me with Media

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

Voice Me with Media The project aims to help NGOs, activists, youth workers and youths to develop their skills and capacity for more effective and purposeful communication with wider audience. They are widely known in need of guidance and support in terms of social and economic participation as well as effective use of media and communication tools for purposeful democratic participation. The obje ...
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The world in Kronoberg

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

This project is part of a long term strategy to involve municipalities together with local associations in Kronoberg in Evs projects. The idea to connect the volunteer`s personal development with the promotion of EVS and youth mobility in the municipalities of Kronoberg has been in our plans for a long time. Together with host associations that have been receiving volunteers before, we want to con ...
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Youth for Change

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

Artemisszió Foundation is an NGO aiming at fostering intercultural dialogue with a special focus on the social integration of marginalized youth (socially disadvantaged, Roma, migrant youth). Together with our partners (Xena from Italy, Plataforma from Portugal, Eurocircle from France and Filoxenia from Greece), we have realized an EVS project called “Youth for Change” that focused on intercultura ...
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Social ARTpreneurship for Innovative Solutions

Start date: May 4, 2015, End date: Dec 3, 2015,

The project "Social ARTpreneurship for Innovative Solutions" aimed at making an important contribution to the promotion of "Social Entrepreneurship" at European level, emphasizing the possibilities that art and culture can offer to young people, in order to improve their working conditions. The project set as goals: to analyse the concept of "Social Entrepreneurship" and its models; to share best ...
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Intercultural learning and mobility for young people Iplus

Start date: Jul 15, 2014, End date: Nov 14, 2015,

The 5 Europen volunteers will be hosted in the local area of Padova , in Xena, and Mimosa and in Salzano in the Municipality respectively for 6 , 9 and months. During their period in Italy they will help the H.O. in the activities that associacions runs inthe field of work with youth and social activities. Their presence will be of great help for the added value that they will bring in the ac ...
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Art and Creativity for Intercultural Dialogue

Start date: Mar 2, 2015, End date: Nov 1, 2015,

"Art and Creativity for Intercultural Dialogue" project aimed at meeting the need in Europe of "interculturality" instead of "multiculturalism" and aimed at giving to young people the opportunity to "create" this new European culture. ACID project set as objectives: to share the different "images" of the "other" at European level, and to reflect on them; to promote the exchange of experiences at " ...
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Artemisszió Foundation deals with the promotion of intercultural communication, and the strategic areas are indicated by the following themes : youth program and mobility, migration, developing intercultural competence, art and social inclusion. In this project called ?Perspectives ? innovative and creative methods in youth work? , three youth workers would go on study visits in three different Eu ...
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IN-SITU, a trainging in site-specific theatre tools

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2015,

...e-specific theatre tools was a training programme that took place in Budapest, Hungary from the 11th-18th April 2015 initiated by the Firestarter Network and developed by Makeshift Ensemble (IRL) and Artemisszio Alapitvany (HUN). In 2012 at the second Firestarter Networking meeting in Ommen (NL) we identified site-specific theatre, and particularly it's use in a socially engaged artistic context i ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

We were looking for youth with a hip hop or break-dance background. As we wanted to make our dance environment stronger, it was an advance if volunteer had experience in running dance classes and that he/she speak good English, are outgoing, creative and able to create your own tasks. So, we get what we wanted. He had not experience in running dance classes, but he had basic Dance-hiphop knowledg ...
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Taste your culture

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Feb 1, 2015,

This 7 days seminar, "taste your culture", will take place in the village of Kryoneri, in Greece, in the north eastern part of Peloponnese , from the 6th to the 13th of october 2014. In this training course, our central focus will be on food within a cultural and cross-cultural context. The objectives are to explore cultural diversity and to identify the opportunities and challenges it presents, ...
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Join the Circus! - Circus Arts as Tools for Social Inclusion

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jan 1, 2015,

In today’s world we have to implement creative methods to reach the marginalized youth of our communities, to motivate them to be active, to believe in themself and to work hard to reach their goals. One of these creative methods are circus arts: young people can acquire different skills and competences by doing circus - they are learning much more than good looking tricks. They learn how to learn ...
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The project, was done by groups and individuals projects 5 volunteers come to Padova to take part in the activities with 3 different hosting organizations with specific characteristics and with a common theme of inclusion of people with less opportunities and comparison with cultural diversity which are the main points of all four projects.Specifically, the volunteers in Xena worked with young ...
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On average across the EU, twice as many young people from the first generation of migrants abandon school early compared to their native peers (26% versus 13%). In Italy, Spain and France there is a high rate of ESL among migrant and Roma pupils. In Hungary 15% of the Roma pupils do not attend school beyond primary level and only 2% attend higher education. The aim of this partnership is to intr ...
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There are 69.8 million estimated international migrants in Europe today, amounting to 9.5 per cent of the population (IOM). While their paths and experiences differ greatly, they face some common challenges, often including stress, anxiety, loss of self-esteem, and loss of social network. As a consequence, many migrants in Europe remain segregated if not marginalized.Engaging in art has been shown ...
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The objective of the project is to assist those undergoing geographical and social mobility to better cope with the difficulties inherent in border crossing. Because mobility produces cultural contact zones (territories in between different cultural influences) where orientation becomes problematic, it remains a risky enterprise. Thus, we propose to develop, test and transfer a complex, IT-su ...
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The project ISABEL aims at using ICT innovative practices such as Citizen Journalism for empowerment of groups and communities at social and territorial level by strengthening inter-personal & intercultural links, by getting communities to talk to each other as well as by promoting personal/collective growth. The objective of the Empowerment is to ensure that people's voices are heard. An ICT inte ...
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The training course is focussing on green growth as an overall theme with housing, transportation, energy and food production as specific themes towards mitigating the threats of negative climage change and global warming. The action is planned to take place as part of the Com2gether project in connection with COP 15 Climage Summit in Denmark 2009. The objectives of the project is to capacitate a ...
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The main objectives of the project were the establishment of a Competence Centres in each country and the development of service offers according to the country specific needs. For the research and analysis of the current situation, each partner involved also educational experts, trainers, public and private organisations as well as enterprises. But the successful funktioning of such Competence Ce ...
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Intercultool is a collaborative two year (November 2007-October 2009) Life Long Learning funded project being undertaken by a consortium of partners from France, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden and UK. In the context of the intercultural dynamics involved in European co-operation activities and the increasing ethnic and cultural diversity within most Member States, the importance of intercultu ...
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