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Crossing Borders Euromed Youth Climate Ambassors' Training Course
Start date: Jun 1, 2009,

The training course is focussing on green growth as an overall theme with housing, transportation, energy and food production as specific themes towards mitigating the threats of negative climage change and global warming. The action is planned to take place as part of the Com2gether project in connection with COP 15 Climage Summit in Denmark 2009. The objectives of the project is to capacitate and inspire Euromed youth leaders to become informal climate ambassadors in their communities. The duration of the training course is ten days. The number of participants is planned to be 30 environmentally interested youth leaders/activists plus six group leaders and two support staff from Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Israel, Jordan and Palestine with keen interests in becoming climate ambassadors in their countries and regions. The planned activities will include intercultural exchange of best environmental practices, keynote lectures, workshops, pleanary sessions, study visits, networking and group projects focussing on the environment as a common ground for dialogue and cooperation. The methods will compromise living, learning and cooperating together in the Folk High School environment.
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  •   35 407,32
  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Cooperation with neighbouring partner countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants