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Forum theatre against early school leaving
Start date: Dec 1, 2012,

On average across the EU, twice as many young people from the first generation of migrants abandon school early compared to their native peers (26% versus 13%). In Italy, Spain and France there is a high rate of ESL among migrant and Roma pupils. In Hungary 15% of the Roma pupils do not attend school beyond primary level and only 2% attend higher education. The aim of this partnership is to introduce Forum Theatre methodology in schools to prevent and to reduce ESL among pupils, mainly in case of migrant and Roma pupils. To achieve this goal we would like to teach this method to primary, secondary school teachers.The partnership will introduce and use the critical incident methodology to map up and to analyse the context of the ESL in the partner countries. Also the method will be taught to the teachers; therefore they will have a tool they can use in conflict situations in the school. With the help of cases and interviews collected from our target groups we offer a collection of analysed cases. This collection will be an important element of the handbook/teaching book and the training what the partnership develops, edits during the project. The analysed cases also offer a list of factors of ESL. Based on the analysed cases and factors the partnership will, in cooperation with selected schools, realize a series of drama classes and a performance with the Forum Theatre methodology. We will also make a film of this period. Forum Theatre makes protagonists to understand better the phenomenon of ESL, and to prevent it. Based on the experiences of these activities the partnership elaborates a curricula, and also specialized materials for teachers. The teachers’ training can be reached by teachers all over Europe. In order to ensure the long term exploitability of the project, a handbook will be written by the partners. It will be published and on-line made available for teachers, teacher institutions, regular and alternative schools.

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4 Partners Participants