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Art for intercultural adaptation in new environments
Start date: Jan 1, 2011,

There are 69.8 million estimated international migrants in Europe today, amounting to 9.5 per cent of the population (IOM). While their paths and experiences differ greatly, they face some common challenges, often including stress, anxiety, loss of self-esteem, and loss of social network. As a consequence, many migrants in Europe remain segregated if not marginalized.Engaging in art has been shown to facilitate improvements on both the individual and the social level, by enhancing the individuals' creativity and also by creating social connections. Nevertheless, theories on how art can enhance adaptation are not systematized, methodologies are rarely evaluated with a scientific rigor, the developed programmes and resources are not collected, and different initiatives often remain isolated. To answer these needs our partnership engages in:1) Expanding our knowledge on art based methodologies, thus helping adaptation by:a. systematizing theory on how art activities enhance competences necessary for cross-cultural transition, b. identifying good practices in participating countries.2) Widening the range of available good quality methodologies by:a. developing training methods drawing on a variety of art branches (dance, theatre, fine arts, ecological arts), b. 11 pilot sessions with 110 participants,c. assessing these methodologies with scientific rigour to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, d. refining our methodologies based on feedback from the assessment. 3) Valorising these methodologies to make them accessible beyond the project duration by:a. transforming them into trainers' training,b. piloting trainers' training with 10 participants,c. publishing training in Grundtvig catalogue,d. creating a web portal for the promotion of methods to enhance cross-cultural adaptation through art,e. editing a manual including theory, good practices and trainer's resources in 5 languages, publishing products and results of the project through the portal.
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5 Partners Participants