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Youths 4 Youths – Peer learning against Early School Leaving
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main aim of the “Youth 4 Youth” Peer learning against Early School Leaving” project is to contribute to the reduction of early school leaving (ESL), especially amongst socially disadvantaged youth. We will do so by offering alternative tools - forum theatre methodology (FT) and community reporter (CR) methodology - in the framework of peer to peer learning for secondary schools. In the EU ESL is a key problem. According to the EU definition, ESLers are young people between the ages of 18 and 24 who have failed to complete their secondary education. In 2009, more than six million young people across Europe – 14.4% of the 18-24 age groups – ended their school education system with a lower secondary qualification or less. Even more worrying is the 17.4% who only completed primary education (Eurostat, 2010). There have been different initiatives to reduce the number of ESLers but the drop out of youth remains a problem. According to statistics from 2012 in the partner countries:in France 11,6%, in Hungary 11,5%, in Italy 17,6%, in Spain 24,9% and in the United Kingdom 13,5% of the youth were ESLers. With the exception of Hungary where ESL rates increased by 1% between 2010 and 2012 - which is a very slight improvement - statistics proves that the effort required in all the countries represented in this project to improve the situation. In previous projects we examined the factors that affect ESL are the following:individual (psychological), social (structural), relational (intra-school) and institutional (educational system). Some of these are susceptible to local interventions. We have chosen to work with FT and CR method since they can have impact on the first and third of these factors. Our partnership aims to contribute to decrease ESL by involving youngsters from youth centers, in CR and FT workshops where young people will work hand in hand with their facilitators, will take active part in developing actions to raise awareness, participate in developing teaching/learning material to support youth workers and teachers and other youth, so that these too can build awareness and address problems related to ESL. In order to mobilize their peers, our young activists will take actions in schools and other institutions, presenting the results of our work and inviting the public for an open debate. Targets: Direct targets are socially disadvantaged youngsters between the age of 13-20, as well as youth workers. Indirect targets are other teachers, stakeholders, educational experts and decision makers, parents, who are affected by the project and can be the key of the change on the long run in their environments. Activities/results: We will: -develop 2 interactive Video Lessons on ESL with youngsters during CR and FT workshops -organize 16 Peer Actions in the partner countries when youngsters raise awareness and start dialogue with their peers and other concerned targets. -organize an International Summer Camp where youngsters meet, peer up and work on ESL -develop a Video Blog where youth workers, teachers, professionals, youngsters and students can learn about ESL, our methods and processes -produce a Case Study Book to tell about the stories of our participants and show the impact of our methods from their point of view. -organise a 5 day exchange for participants at the end of the project, with a 2 day youth conference, in order to optimise peer learning , information and experience sharing and to make sure the project reaches more people. Methods: -FT method -CR method -Peer to peer learning -ICT use Impact: -On participating youngsters: changing attitudes, gaining self-confidence and reflect on their own behaviour. Development of competencies, communication, creativity and self-expression skills, individual and group work, conflict resolution, intercultural competencies and problem solving.Youngsters will get to know new countries and new ways of thinking, learn languages and meet new people, develop their experiences. The methods we use have a direct impact on motivation, discipline problems, youngster-adult relations, youngster-peer relations,intercultural problems and conflicts. -On participating professionals: awareness raising, getting educational tools to handle ESL issues in youth centers and classrooms, exchanging professional experiences on ESL,gaining new pedagogical and intercultural skills -On indirect targets: awareness raising on ESL,getting knowledge about the factors contributing to it and increasing feeling of responsibility of the individuals, professionals and decision-makers. We believe that in the long run our project can contribute to the reduction of ESL, especially amongst socially disadvantaged youth. We encourage the dialogue among the concerned parties–youngsters, parents, professionals and decision-makers by providing a combination of new methods and tools. We think that with this dialogue we can successfully improve the situation concerning ESL in the partner countries.

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