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Egyenlő esélyekkel: külföldi szakmai gyakorlat a szociálisan hátrányos helyzetű tanulók társadalmi integrációjáért 2014
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Artemisszió Foundation has been realising mobility projects annually with the participation of socially disadvantaged youngsters in VET since 2001. Our present project, With equal chances: vocational training abroad for the integration of socially disadvantaged students (2014) is the continuation of our previous projects. As in our previous projects, we continue working with socially disadvantaged young people. We will target young people attending the final years of vocational secondary schools who are members of disadvantaged social groups and who have less access to information and opportunities, those who without this project would not have the chance to obtain professional practice abroad. From the vocational point of view, our target group is made up of young people from various professions such as carpenters, cooks, hairdressers, nurses, car mechanics, waiters etc. The main objective of the project was to address the training needs of this target group, which we conceive mostly in terms of empowerment. The project helped participants have a more appropriate image of themselves and their capacities, as well as to develop those capacities. Another aim was for participants to have a more realistic representation of the world of labor. With the help of this mobility project, they discovered a different culture in a stimulating but controlled way and at the same time measure their own vocational abilities. This experience certainly facilitated their adaptation to new situations in their future professional careers. They also got acquainted with the rudiments of a foreign language. Such an experience did not only contribute to their personal development but also increased their employability after the mobility project. The project took 18 months, from December 2014 to May 2016, and included finally 24 participants. The foreign placement occured between April and July 2015 and between September and December 2015, and took altogether 14 weeks with 4 weeks of linguistic and cultural preparation and 10 weeks of professional training. The project started with the preparation of project activities, the selection and preparation of the participants in Hungary, then, having arrived on the foreign country, the participants had 2-4 weeks of language training, an on-arrival training and programs that help cultural integration, after which they carried out 10-12 weeks of vocational placement. In the end there was an evaluation meeting organized by Artemisszió three weeks after the return of the participants. At the end of the project, participants got certificates about the placement including the Europass certificates. Partners: As for the sending organizations, we continue working together with vocational schools. These are the BKMÖ Vári Szabó Vocational School (Kiskunhalas), the Erzsébet Királyné Vocational Schools (Budapest), the Kaesz Gyula Faipari Szakiskola (Budapest), Debreceni Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Szakiskola,Kalmár Zsigmond Szakiskola, Keszthelyi Vendéglátóipari Szakiskola, Kontiki Szakképző Iskola, Mándy Iván Szakképző Iskola és Speciális Szakiskola, Nagykanizsai Műszaki Szakképző Iskola, Kossuth Lajos Gimnázium és Szakképző Iskola, Petzelt József Szakiskola, Szinergia Szakképző Iskola. As for the intermediary partners in the hosting countries we relied on our existing partnerships, with which we had collaborated, in our previous projects (either in VET mobility or other projects): SICI Dominus (Granada, Spain), Oase Berlin (Germany), Rota Jovem (Cascais, Portugal), Xena (Padova, Italy) and Eurocircle (Marseille, France). As for the results and the impact of the project: the participants gained relevant work experience, improved several competences, became more autonomous, got to know another culture, and will have more chances on the labor market. The project has an indirect impact on other young people (at schools, at classes, peers, from our other target groups) and motivate them to be involved in mobility experience. The project has an impact on the participating organisations as well (schools, work placements, organisations etc).
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5 Partners Participants