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"Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is among the leading causes of death and disability and the main cause of death among the under-45s. Most patients with moderate to severe TBI are admitted to intensive care units (ICUs)The “PROSAFE” ICU network was recently established in 6 European countries through EU funding (PHEA 2007331), and has continued to collect high-quality data beyond the grant duration. ...
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Head in the Clouds: Digital Learning to Overcome School Failure

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Starting in September 2015 the Technical University of Vienna together with six partners in five countries will implement a 36-months project called "Head in the Clouds: Digital Learning to Overcome School Failure". This strategic partnership in the field of school education deals with the prevention of early school leaving, the development of basic and transversal skills and the enhancement of di ...
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This project application is submitted by Masaryk´s Business Academy, Kostelec nad Orlicí, a college which offers three fields of education: Business Academy, Economic lyceum, Information Technology. The college has a tradition of more than a century, and throughout its history it has focused either on general secondary education or the education of economics.The school puts emphasis on vocational ...
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Yhteinen suunta sivistystoimelle

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The Valkeakoski Town Centre for Cultural Services undertakes this project which aims to develop the pedagogical competence of adult education staff, to establish a common framework for municipal cultural services in a new operational environment and new joint premises, to promote digital services and to find creative synergies in educational and cultural services in Valkeakoski and in the Southern ...
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Background Around 833 000 ha of forests (41% of all forested areas) can be found on Natura 2000 sites in Hungary. This includes 412 000 ha forests under national protection as well. Most of the state-owned forests are managed by state forest companies; only a minor part is in the trusteeship of national park directorates. Because of the unique biogeograph ...
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The different systems of democracy in Europe

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

"The different systems of democracy in Europe" is a multilateral project for young people from France, Ukraine and Kosovo aged between 18 and 25 years. A part of these young people will be recruited among disadvantaged publics. The seminar will last ten days, without counting the duration of the transport. It will be located in Salm, next to Schirmeck in Alsace, in France. Comparing their experien ...
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Missing Pieces -> International Tietotie 2.0

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Missing Pieces - International Tietotie 2.0The aim of this project is to create a fully competent, international campus in Valkeakoski. Valkeakoski Tietotie Upper Secondary School will start offering a curriculum in English for both international and Finnish students starting in August 2017. The school has also applied for a IB world school status and is in the verification stage. If the status is ...
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In search for a more competitive, multiple types of aircrafts, IMA based, avionics platform solution, the European aerospace industry has recently initiated the IMA2G paradigm thanks to the EC funded SCARLETT project.This latter successfully validated a first underlying set of IMA2G concepts (Separate Core Processing resources from I/O resources, introduce resource segments typology of electronics ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The proposed project aims to contribute to the improvement of the quality and attractiveness of the Continuing VET for fishers and to address existing needs of the fisheries and the CVET sectors. The fisheries sector is recognized as one of the pillars of development at national, European and international level. The extent of its contribution to sustainable development, economic growth and food ...
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Healthy European Youth

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Our consortium has 9 schools from 9 different countries. We created this project to encourage students to adopt a healthy lifestyle through sport and healthy food choice. We propose the development of sport and activities , wen promote healthy eating and encourage team work, promotion of European citizenship and inclusion, tolerance, mutual respect, solidarity. We will use the intercultural dia ...
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Preparing ESNII for HORIZON 2020 (ESNII plus)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Preparing ESNII for HORIZON 2020The aim of this cross-cutting project is to develop a broad strategic approach to advanced fission systems in Europe in support of the European Sustainable Industrial Initiative (ESNII) within the SET-Plan. The project aims to prepare ESNII structuration and deployment strategy, to ensure efficient European coordinated research on Reactor Safety for the next generat ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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The aim of the project is to examine the different ways of finding the interests and competences for a future job already in the process of school education. A side effect of the research shall be to get fit for a future Europe, i.e. travelling, studying, living or working within the European Union. As all 3 partner schools have the same objectives in their national curriculum, in the course of do ...
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Uusia tuulia taiteen perusopetuksen henkilöstön työhön

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The centre of culture and education in Valkeakoski is the coordinator of this consortium. The partners are Valkeakoski Music School and the Ballet School of Valkeakoski Lifelong Centre. The objective of the project is to expand the pedagogic expertise of teachers and to develop the working methods of the schools. Our goal is to improve teaching and to expand the schools' pedagogic toolkits by ado ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The city of Valkeakoski, Roukko primary school and Tyry lower secondary school form a corsortium of three organizations, which is applying for funding for a week long job-shadowing period in Spain. The number of participants is six: four teachers from Roukko and two from Tyry. Four of the participants are primary school teachers, one is an art teacher and one is a foreign language teacher. Our obj ...
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Building Paths for EVS

Start date: Aug 22, 2016, End date: May 21, 2017,

The aim of the project “ Bulding Paths for EVS” is to establish and develop a long term sustainable partnership between EU and West Balkan organizations that are highly involved with European Volunteering Service (EVS). Beside this, the project has a strong desire to interest young people from the Netherlands and other EU program countries to participate as EVS voluteer in West Balkan (WB) countri ...
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Youth for volunteering, nature and inclusion

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

Focus of the project is capacity building for youth workers in organizing youth voluntary projects in and with rural/remote communities in natural areas, including protected ones. In order to better achieve this, partners have agreed the need to also enlarge and strengthen partnership with other organizations active in the field of nature conservation through youth and voluntary work. This project ...
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Immigration / Émigration où est la différence?

Start date: Mar 15, 2016, End date: Mar 14, 2017,

"Immigration and the next Generation” is a multilateral project for young people from Kosovo, France and Ukraine, aged between 18 and 25 years old. Some of these young people will be recruited from disadvantaged backgrounds. The project will take place over ten days, this does not include travel. It will be located in Salm, next to Schirmeck in Alsace, France. This project is based on reflection a ...
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Immigration and the Y Generation

Start date: Mar 15, 2016, End date: Mar 14, 2017,

"Immigration and the Y Generation” is a multilateral project for young people from all over Europe, aged between 18 and 25 years old. Some of these young people will be recruited from disadvantaged backgrounds. The project will take place over ten days, this does not include travel. It will be located in Salm, next to Schirmeck in Alsace, France. This project is based on reflection and on the prep ...
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School Methods 2020

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

ESCU and its partners have identified that decision makers often try to improve education by law changes. However, they sometimes forget that one of the main factors for educational quality is not in the hands of the law, but in schools and teachers: the methods. Whereas other sectors change their techniques day by day, teaching methods evolve too slowly. Many teachers keep giving their lessons th ...
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EVS EFFECTHost organization:Kattilakoski culture cooperative is a non-profit organization established by culture associations in a small rural town called Kärsämäki. Instead of dividends, possible profit will be directed to maintaining the old vicarage, culture for children and youth and culture services to promote well-being of people.Objectives of the cooperative:- Coordinate the cooperation of ...
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Throughout the 95 years of its existence, SCI has been working to promote peace, non-violence, human rights, social justice & international understanding as an alternative to war. Today also in Europe we believe that this objective is as valid & relevant as ever. The on-going conflict in Ukraine, the rapid deterioration in the relations between the EU and Russia, re-appearance of "enemy images" ...
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Planning Exchange and Arrange Collective Engagement

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

In 'Planning Exchange and Arrange Collective Engagement' two major impulses to the work of IAL will be given.EUROPEAN VOLUNTARY SERVICE - PLACEMENT OFFICER AT IAL OFFICEA volunteer at the secretariat will give solid bottom to IAL's capacity. The volunteer will help to make the exchange of volunteers to go smooth, offer support, logistically and administratively to create more engaged projects, stu ...
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Partners in this project are dealing with youth work NFE and empowering youngsters. During our cooperation as partners, work with youth in our communities, we have noticed a lack of young qualified leaders of quality activities/projects for better entrepreneurship/employability skills of youth with fewer opportunities. Focus of the training course (TC) is to empower youth workers for quality youth ...
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Vlastním vzděláváním ke zkvalitnění vyučování

Start date: Dec 15, 2014, End date: Dec 14, 2016,

his project application is submitted by Masaryk´s Business Academy, Kostelec nad Orlicí, a college which offers three fields of education: Business Academy, Economic lyceum, Information Technology. The college has a tradition of more than a century, and throughout its history it has focused either on general secondary education or the education of economics. The school puts emphasis on vocational ...
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Společně za vzděláváním předškolních dětí

Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

The Project aims to improve the quality of education, the managerial abilities and general overwiew of teachers at pre-school institutions with the use of modern know-how and the possibility of study visits to partner countries. The main goal of the project is to improve the quality of pre-school education. This is to be achieved by supporting the professional development of pre-school teaching s ...
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Nature that (re)connects us

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

First youth exchange will take place in Brezovica (Kosovo) in November 2015 and will gather 25 youth from Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo (all connected with Dinaric Mountains). Second youth exchange will take place in Kuterevo Bear Refuge (Croatia) in May 2016. and will also gather 25 young people from Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. They will both last 10 ...
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Convention: Education & Work

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The Convention: Education and Work is a 5-day activity taking place in Antwerp, Belgium, during which young people will come together with various European-level decision-makers and experts and work on recommendations on the relation between education and the labour market. The aim of this project is to critically explore the relation between education and the labour market, and to make young peop ...
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Work in progress

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The projec'ts name is Work in Progress which represents that the work is in progress, by this we mean the participating youngsters have already initiated, worked or participated in civil life, and this project will help the to develope themselves and the civil initiatives. Work word is also associated with the main goal, which is the labor market and the work places, and that already if they are a ...
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Empowering Summercamp Youth Leaders - Next Step

Start date: Apr 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2016,

Background- European context:Youth and children camps are one of those forms of activities where the educational values and principles of healthy living can be implemented in an attractive and safe way. They are good for the children, because they learn to make new friends, they have fun and exercises, and develop social skills. But summer camps are also very usefull for the development of the you ...
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We know that there are many young people across Europe, who deals with emotional and psychological problems and issues, deriving from the fact that they live in an achievement-oriented society. Present-day society pressures young people to be perfect. That is why the overall objective of this project is based on the theme ‘lose control.’ The theme explores a duality in terms of lose control – take ...
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The above project summary is in English.
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Kształcimy z wyobraźnią

Start date: Sep 2, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2016,

...ds can not only increase adults’ educational activity, but also make the students learn in different forms of lifelong learning. Two PCKK’s employees visited Valkeakoski Lifelong Learning Centre in Finland and took a job shadowing action. During the visit, PCKK’s managing director and one of the trainers got to know about the work organization of the institution which aims for personal, intellectu ...
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Jeunesse en Action pour le climat/ youth in action for the climate

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

"Youth in Action for the Climate" 2015 is a key year: the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 21) aims to reach a new international climate agreement applicable to all countries. It will be held in Paris from the 30th November to the 11th December 2015. This is a unique opportunity for young people in Europe to be present and to speak up and ...
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Cancer is the second largest cause of death and morbidity in Europe, with more than 3 million new cases diagnosed each year. The most effective treatment strategy for most forms of cancer is early detection followed by surgery. However, cancers frequently recur following surgery. For example, nearly 1 in 4 breast cancer patients will see their tumour recur after surgery. The consequences of cancer ...
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Raising awareness on Social Rights and Inclusion by using Social Media

Start date: Jan 8, 2016, End date: Aug 7, 2016,

Fast development of technology and information systems plays important role in lives of young people. This accelerated change on internet and new media also obligate the youth organizations to be actively involved in new media in order to reach their target groups. Unfortunately, while being active on internet and social networks, young people are facing Hate speech and other negative consequences ...
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YW - European Ten Sing Conference

Start date: Jan 7, 2016, End date: Jul 6, 2016,

The European Ten Sing Conference (ETS Conference) brought together professional and volunteer youth workers from all over Europe interested in the music, cultural and creative youth program Ten Sing of the YMCA. The Ten Sing methodology is a powerful transforming youth work program for teenagers and young adults aged 13-30. It consists of e few key models: youth leadership, democratic structures, ...
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Bridging, Bonding and Linking Capitals

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The Bridging, Bonding and Linking Capitals project is borne out of a desire to create travel and learning opportunities for young people who have previously encountered obstacles and barriers in these areas. The project is a trilateral youth exchange with a strong inter-cultural European ethos between YMCA Ireland, George Williams Youth association in Kosovo, and YMCA England. Two key areas of lea ...
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Background:Valkeakoski City Library is offering facilities, collections and other services for different customer groups, including the needs of adult education, both adult education teachers and students. Because of the recent technological development, digitalisation and internationalization, the operating environment has changed substantially for libraries. The library must be able to develop ...
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Access to Large Infrastructures in China and Europa (ALICE)

Start date: Jun 1, 2012, End date: May 31, 2016,

"The ALICE project is a co-ordination action between European and Chinese partners with the objective to develop transnational access to large material test infrastructures, with the emphasis on irradiation facilities. By collaboration and exchange between this European project and its Chinese counterpart, both technical as well as administrative and organizational issues, linked to transnational ...
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