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Nature that (re)connects us
Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

First youth exchange will take place in Brezovica (Kosovo) in November 2015 and will gather 25 youth from Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo (all connected with Dinaric Mountains). Second youth exchange will take place in Kuterevo Bear Refuge (Croatia) in May 2016. and will also gather 25 young people from Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. They will both last 10 days during which participants will be taking part in various activities such as discussions, lectures, visits, games, outdoor activities, hiking, meditation, excursions etc. The main issues and needs we are addressing through this projects are related to young generations, which childhoods have been affected by conflicts, political and economical destabilization, while future is being under treats due to capitalism and its consequences (overexploitation of nature, culture of consumerism and climate change). Half of youth in Balkan countries are unemployed, among which many are not active in any social sphere, and usually disconnected from other people and nature. Healing disconnection and building new relations between young people and with nature, can build self-confidence, inspiration and motivation for active involvement in shaping of society, future and their own lives.This project will give new views and ideas to young people and inspire and give them tools to take back the control of their life, and become change makers for their community and society. Through discussions, workshops, outdoor games, visits to local communities, protected areas and cultural places, as well as working on small projects, participants will challenge their viewpoints, attitudes, prejudices, steretypes and values related to living in harmony with nature and people in remote/rural areas in the Balkans. Moreover, they will be challenged to find common values and appreicate differences in any way, and to create a common vision for living sustainable and peacufully togehter in the bioregion of Dinaric Mountains. Advanced planing visit will take place from 5th till 7th of September 2015 in south of Serbia, in a village situated in municapality of Prijepolje, also connected with Dinaric Mountain chain.
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