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Youth Exchange – Control Your Life: Personal Responsibility and Active Citizenship (Part 2)
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We know that there are many young people across Europe, who deals with emotional and psychological problems and issues, deriving from the fact that they live in an achievement-oriented society. Present-day society pressures young people to be perfect. That is why the overall objective of this project is based on the theme ‘lose control.’ The theme explores a duality in terms of lose control – take control. It encourages young people to come to terms with losing control with the acceptance that you cannot control everything and that is okay. The theme applies to young people all over the world, and can be perceived in many different ways, thereby making it suitable for a youth exchange. The project will be carried out as one joint youth exchange on the 3rd to the 7th of July 2016. The participating countries are: Ukraine, Kosovo, Serbia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Scotland, Germany and Denmark. There will be 60 youth participants and 16 leaders participating in the youth exchange. The youth exchange will consist of two parts: 1) the first three days of the youth exchange will function as an exploration in Aarhus, where the young people will engage with each other exploring different themes and producing small projects. This will provide them with the tools for the second part of the exchange, 2) the following two days, which will function as an experimentation, where the participants will take control and carry out their projects in practice, at the youth camp Wonderful Days, situated in the Western part of Jutland. Objectives of this youth exchange are in cohesion with the general objectives of the Erasmus+ programme. Additionally, the objectives of the project are to create strong citizens, to foster a sense of mutual understanding no matter the cultural or national background, by forcing them to reconsider themselves, their identity and the values they base their active citizenship on. Furthermore, the objectives are to create space for intercultural dialogue and to explore the different cultures through various activities, which tallies with non-formal and informal learning methods, such as workshops, presentations and teambuilding. The expected results will be that the participants obtain different non-formal competences from the youth exchange and disseminate those learned skills to other new possible relations, friendships and partnerships. Additionally, an improvement in the participants’ intercultural skills, language and communication skills, their understanding of the value of democratic participation in the civil society will be expected. The potential long term benefits is that the intercultural experiences from the youth exchange will spread both to participating organizations and into broader civil society. On the national and European level, the education system and labour market will benefit from persons with high cultural awareness, intercultural skills and the experienced value of active democratic participation, obtained by participating in the youth exchange.
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