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Vlastním vzděláváním ke zkvalitnění vyučování
Start date: Dec 15, 2014, End date: Dec 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

his project application is submitted by Masaryk´s Business Academy, Kostelec nad Orlicí, a college which offers three fields of education: Business Academy, Economic lyceum, Information Technology. The college has a tradition of more than a century, and throughout its history it has focused either on general secondary education or the education of economics. The school puts emphasis on vocational and language training. Each of our students studies two foreign languages, the English language is compulsory and they choose out of German, French, Spanish or Russian. Throughout the study, students have a total of eight lessons of foreign languages per week. Business Academy and Economics Lyceum in the third and fourth year teach a subject called Trade and Economic English, whose goal is to prepare students for the work environment in English-speaking countries. Students in the second year of Information Technology are studying subject Technical English focused on the ICT terminology. The focus and goals of the school follow logically the great efforts to improve the education provided. Therefore, the school uses all available tools to increase the offer. In addition to the implementation of various projects aimed at the creation of school equipment and teaching materials the school is repeatedly involved in Leonardo da Vinci program to send a group of students to the extended work experience in England, France and Denmark. The aim of this project is to enable ten well-educated teachers of foreign languages and other subjects to improve their qualifications in foreign education courses aimed at increasing either language competence or professional skills of the involved teachers. The aim is to improve education, upgrade methodology and the use of new procedures in accordance with the acquired knowledge and experience. Participation in the training course will not only directly educate the participants during school lessons but it will also mean other benefits in the form of sharing experience with colleagues from other countries and understanding the lifestyle and culture of the region and a particular foreign country. The students of Business Academy and Economics Lyceum now have the opportunity to participate in preparatory studies for obtaining the certificate English for Business. After completing the training courses abroad in the frames of this project, we plan to enable them and the students of Information Technology to train them to get certificate ELSA in general English. After returning from training activities abroad, participants are expected to share their new knowledge and experience with their colleagues and will continue to develop within the relevant professional departments, which, if necessary, update the education plan and thematic schemes. We also believe that the trained teachers of professional subjects will begin teaching in English. This will bring long-term benefits of the project . Participation in international training courses can lead to significant improvements in the quality of teaching, which is positively reflected in the graduate profile. Also the chances of further study or employment in the Czech Republic and abroad will be increased . Project results will be disseminated within the school by presentations to students and teachers, the school website, articles in the local press and on the information boards located in the school building and in the foyer of the Municipal Office Kostelec nad Orlicí.

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