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The different systems of democracy in Europe
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The different systems of democracy in Europe" is a multilateral project for young people from France, Ukraine and Kosovo aged between 18 and 25 years. A part of these young people will be recruited among disadvantaged publics. The seminar will last ten days, without counting the duration of the transport. It will be located in Salm, next to Schirmeck in Alsace, in France. Comparing their experiences, they will reflect together on the opportunities offered by the EU for young people.The project will use methods of intercutural learning, a creative approach of informal learning with ways of artistic presentation (pictures, film, theater...), cooking worshops, and linguistic animations. The idea is to create a multilingual dictionary with the participants in order to assure the exchanges between them, each participant will contribute actively at the linguistic activities. The different systems of democracy will be exposed, completed with the results of debates, workshops and youth exchanges. At the end, exhibitions will be organized and be composed of information, pictures, drawings and paintings, made during the exchange. After that, the participants will develop transferable skills that will be used througouht the life. These skills will be:-The communication, planification of project, development of network and decision making.-The acquisition of linguistic skills, and know to present oneself thanks to different multimedia supports. -Team working-Knowledge of others european countries and different systems of democracy. -Behaviour: tolerance, respect, understanding, self-esteem, self-confidenceSo they will practise news skills in their countries, presenting and explaining in front of a large public, their work in youth centers. The young people who have participated in debates and in workshops in France will evolve in a passive to an active role thus they will become ambassadors of Europe. The exhibition will serve like a way of expression for european youth and will circulated in different centers of our partners in Europe. It will allow to broadcast at a largest public (other young people of residence, official personalities...) the results of this exchange.

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