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Work in progress
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The projec'ts name is Work in Progress which represents that the work is in progress, by this we mean the participating youngsters have already initiated, worked or participated in civil life, and this project will help the to develope themselves and the civil initiatives. Work word is also associated with the main goal, which is the labor market and the work places, and that already if they are active in early years they wil have advantages in their future work. The progress means, that they are in progress developing themselves and helping eachothers, by being active, so this progress will help them in the futureOne of the project goal is that the participants can talk and debate about Youth topics and organizational work. We want to develope the participants to be youth leaders and expertsThe main goal of the project is to create impact, because the participants with their initiative and innovation they will have an impact on their community after the project, and on the future labour market, because they will work their as entrepeneurs or workers.The project participants will gain knowledge about skills and competences which they have already developed, or can develop as student council members, these key competences will be identified and related to the labor market. The students who participate in this event will have information about their skills, and will have an overview about using these in their everyday life and in their future workplace.There will be 40 participants, including the two group leadres from each partner country. The project's target are those people aged 15-20 who are active citizens, or have financial or geographical disadvantages. These people will be delegated, by every organizing country.The event is built on a daily basis, by having a curve from the present to the future, which means the day starts talking, and discussing about the present, then in small groups the work will be about present and future, the guest speakers will only speak about the future and the labor market. The active day of the event will be about brainstorming and working on international projects. We are using non-formal educational methods.The short term effect of the project will be seen immediately seen after the end of the event, because the participating students will have motivation, to make new projects and to work more for their community/school.The midterm effect of the project will be the new international projects, which will be discussed in the last active day of the project.The long-term effect will be seen in a few years, when the students end their education, and start working in the labor market. Because of the new skills and competences acquired this will help the improvement of the employment rate in the region/country.

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