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Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015, to acquire and strengthen key entrepreneurial and social competences and to show the cultural diversity of Europe, to promote links between young people and the labor market at local, regional and national levels. Nine students from Poland and nine students from Ukraine will participate in this International Youth Exchange. Activities and challenges undertaken by the students are non-formal lea ...
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Objectives: The research aims to improve the delivery of reproductive health (RH) services in Tanzania and Niger by generating new evidence about effective ways to strengthen the provision, uptake, equity and effectiveness of adolescent reproductive health (ARH) programmes. Background: Poor adolescent reproductive health (ARH) continues to be a major cause of morbidity and worsening poverty for th ...
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...ral European (CE) Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society, in short “CE-Ageing Platform”, aims to minimise these negative effects and impacts of demographic change in Central Europe through transnational partnership. The project idea derived from cooperation between various partners and their desire to jointly contribute to improved framework conditions in their regions in order to foster economi ...
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 FINISHED protect the historical buildings in order to preserve the individual characteristics and therewith the attractiveness and competitiveness of the cities around the Baltic Sea. Besides this the international and the EU CO2-reduction targets have to be fulfilled. After the first wave of technical improvements like modern heating systems, especially thermal insulations of the outer walls produced i ...
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The main aim is to transfer innovative VET solutions from Europe to Slovenian Wood Sector to set up advanced VET System and new validated and state recognized VET Program.
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The aim of the project is to design and test in the hotel industry a prototype set of methodologies and tools for documenting and comparing skills and qualifications with a view to promoting transparency, recognition and, most importantly, transferability (ECTS). The specific target group includes hotel workers in the tourism sector.
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In the VQTS II project, the VQTS model was applied to other sectors (electronics/ electrical engineering) and to other countries and languages. The VQTS II project focused on transferring and further elaborating on methods and procedures for the development of a Competence Matrix by using the ideas and principles described in the VQTS project.The VQTS model was also used for identifying the overla ...
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... in the context of a globalised economy: social criteria in design and innovation.The consortium includes organizations from Portugal, Austria, Denmark and Spain, with recognized experience in international projects in the area of sustainability and innovation in the target sectors. Besides the Applicant Organization, the Management Coordinator and the Core Partners, responsible for the contents d ...
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...ublike Slovenije za poklicno izobraževanje Slovania;FRAREG s.r.l. Italy (until 31 March 2010)The objective of the project is to transfer the elements of the innovative entrepreneur diploma - national competence based qualifications for entrepreneurs developed in Finland to European partner countries and to develop entrepreneurship training (training of nascent entrepreneurs) in Finland further thr ...
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mTransition provided VET learners with pastoral and academic support through an innovative learning mobile app. The app is an individual learning & development planning tool, incorporating social media functionality to enable a tutor and learner to negotiate then execute an individual learning plan (ILP). mTransition built on the achievements of an Interreg funded project (mCommunity 2011-2013) th ...
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...e previously completed and widely successful MarTEL project, which implemented a series of English language tests for Cadets, Officers and Senior Officers in the Merchant Navy, incorporating the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP).The project transfers knowledge, generated during the previous project’s lifecycle, in order to create a number of n ...
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...have deleveloped the quality of VET and work-based learning and gained remarkable results. Althoughresults are well-known and published in compendiums or databases, they are marginally exploited both nationally and transnationally.Commission has specially urged the stakeholders to learn from good practices and apply under new Life Long Learning -programme 2007-2013.Good practices have been conside ...
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...urope project -"EnerCities"- which developed a serious computer game to encourage young adults to learn about sustainability and energy conservation. The project has been very successful and has won national awards in both Netherlands and Germany. One aspect that was identified during the project was the reluctance/inability of VET teachers to use a serious computer game as a teaching mechanism. ...
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All European systems for the assessment, recognition and validation of competence include a stage referred to as the accompaniment stage for the candidate. This critical and highly complex stage of the process is designed to provide candidates with ideas as to how best to specify their competencies and gather the required evidence of their previous learning and competencies acquired both formally ...
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...s and institutional development/improvement of VET provision- Improve further the European Peer Review methodology focus on the impact and making changes- Increase of the use of Peer Reviews at national and European level by disseminating of results of previous Leonardo-projects on Peer Reviews and REVIMP and transfer the results to new sectors, target groups and regionally.- Optimise the effectiv ...
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The project will develop innovative training programs based on the use of web-based geographical information system (GIS) technologies related to natural heritage, aimed at university students and researchers involved in earth sciences. The project will produce an integrated on-line spatial database with a range of topographical and geographical data. The system will act as an information-renderin ...
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...insufficient for the efficient learning process. The skills and motivation of teachers in VET to apply ICT are still inadequate, although the role of ICT and e-learning has been underlined by current national reforms such as greater autonomy of VET schools, decentralisation of curriculum (e-modules) and individualised instruction.As the concrete response to the deficiencies identified above, the g ...
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...ducation show a low enrollment rate in science field of study at tertiary education level. The risk is the one of weakening the competitiveness and innovation capacity of the EU against its main international competitors. The results of the PISA survey in the Countries involved in the project witness unsatisfactory performances in science by 15 y.o. students.The challenge and goal of the project w ...
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...schools including schools for apprenticeship training), and- Investigate the benefits of Peer Review and support the sustainable implementation of Peer Review as an element of the CQAF at national and European levels.Outcomes are 1) a version of the European Peer Review Procedure that takes into account the needs and requirements of a) continuing VET and b) the “new” countries participating; 2) in ...
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With the project we will give all schools opportunity to step fast forward into proven system of self evaluation, supported with Internet software. Partnership is aware that first step is most important and very hard to do, since there is too many variables. QUTE self-evaluation system offer complete methodology with all necessary tools to start Quality assurance groups in schools and assure teach ...
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As its contribution to the Lisbon Strategy, adopted the education ministries of common goals for improving education with the work program "The Education & Training 2010" work program. Teachers and trainers play a crucial role in achieving the objectives. 20 core indicators for monitoring progress towards the Lisbon objectives have been identified, and particularly one dealing with the academic de ...
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... will be provided the vocational qualifications in a sector where they are employable. By means of the certification training that will be prepared in English, German, Italian and Turkish, an international vocational training program will be implemented that enables employability of visually impaired EU citizens, as a qualified employee in growing call center sector.
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... of the relations between concepts by relational maps (using UML-code), proves to be an approach of establishing more insight in the correspondences, similarities and differences between systems (national, regional and/or sectoral). It is the aim of the TIPTOE project to apply these methodical aspects in a broader perspective – for the whole trade sector, to broaden them to interpretational and ap ...
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...e the value of learning campaigns as advocacy tools for adult learning; to improve the effectiveness of learning festivals in terms of both data collection and increased cooperation amongst local and national stakeholders and to provide a platform for learners’ voices and learner perspectives. Involving a variety of meetings, visits and events, the key output for the project comprised a collection ...
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Railway Operation in ECVET

Start date: Jan 1, 2011,

The Commission has an important recommendation to create a European Railway Area by 2020 to be based on cross border "interoperability" through the integration of national rail systems. Despite the huge international transportation activity by sea, air, road, and rail, the rail training centres appear to be very nationally oriented. However, "interoperability" is not only a technical issue, but al ...
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... erfordert die steigende Eigenständigkeit von Berufsbildungsinstitutionen (Outsourcing von Ausbildungsabteilungen der Unternehmen/ erhöhte Eigenverantwortung von beruflichen Schulen) auf nationaler Ebene eine stärker werdende Nachweispflicht der Qualität der geleisteten Arbeit und der Fähigkeit, diese zu entwickeln.In den Institutionen der beruflichen Bildung werden daher nun ebenfalls vermehrt Qu ...
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... together the expertise of all contributory partners. The network will act as a core information point and centre of expertise drawing upon the position of individual partners within their respective national guidance networks.The guidance profession across Europe is undergoing many changes, from the introduction of the Connexions Service in the UK to the establishment of Regional Centres of Guida ...
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The project focuses on training for maritime personnel (working on ships and in ports) and intends to elaborate a competence portfolio of new professions in the sector and disseminate it in order to promote professional mobility. The main aims of the project are: to analyse and address emerging training needs in various aspects of marine transport in the partner countries, with a view to identifyi ...
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A centralised source for widespread employers : The overarching aim of this project is to create a single source of information on vocational training, university studies and labour, with a view to promoting mobility in Europe. Transparency is ensured and a website will be used to present the results of projects in the languages of countries concerned. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 mo ...
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Ecological agricultural � a way forward for training and for the environment : A project that is designed to promote environmentally friendly agricultural practices that will also offer training opportunities for local communities. This should help bolster the economies of these communities, while making both producers and consumers more ecologically aware. This project started in 2001 and lasted ...
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Improved training for adult education : The project responds to needs for better trained adult guidance workers by elaborating a programme for the training of instructors and producing multilingual educational materials in various formats. This project started in 2001 and lasted 30 months.
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The importance of being valued : The project has developed curricula and learning modules with partner countries across Europe with the aim of improving the confidence of unemployed individuals and of making them more aware of their non-formal skills. The self-evaluation project has developed a framework of self-evaluation activities, strongly emphasising the need for common cornerstones in the pr ...
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... students themselves. The European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training will have primary responsibility for the dissemination of project results and will be supported in this at national level by all project partners.
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Getting to grips with a European model : The project has developed a training model which will form the basis for the development of courses for visually impaired masseurs throughout Europe and will hopefully contribute to the creation of Europe-wide accreditation. This project started in 2001 and lasted 39 months.
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...loadable from the project website and available on paper however longer-term commercialisation is envisaged beyond the lifetime of the project. A final report will be produced to support a final transnational conference.
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Credit where credit's due : The project has developed a vocational qualification transfer system that allows for cross-border recognition of acquired skills and competences. The system improves the mobility of students in vocational training and leads to improvements in vocational education and training throughout Europe. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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Das Ziel des Projektes ist die Entwicklung eines modular aufgebauten und medial unterstützten Qualifizierungskonzeptes. Dies soll in Kombination aus 7 Qualifizierungsmodulen und einer Materialien-CD Auszubildende und Facharbeiter zur Durchführung unternehmensinterner Analysen (Prozessanalysen) hinsichtlich der Ermittlung und Umsetzung von Optimierungspotentialen befähigen. Dabei findet unter ander ...
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Das Ziel des Projektes ist die Entwicklung eines modular aufgebauten und medial unterstützten Qualifizierungskonzeptes. Dies soll in Kombination aus 7 Qualifizierungsmodulen und einer Materialien-CD Auszubildende und Facharbeiter zur Durchführung unternehmensinterner Analysen (Prozessanalysen) hinsichtlich der Ermittlung und Umsetzung von Optimierungspotentialen befähigen. Dabei findet unter ander ...
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The project's purpose is to develop a unified approach to entrepreneurship training across different European countries and for different target groups, and this is to be achieved through the design of a competency-based, on-line, flexible, modular learning framework. The standards to be applied further expect to guarantee that learning content is able to be re-used within any Learning Management ...
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EUROPATHWAYS & EUROPASS will develop an outline mobility model to encourage innovative student pathways and placements within European companies as a means of promoting the use of EUROPASS training and improving the transparency of qualifications across Europe.Elements to be contained within the mobility model include; an outline concept of an innovative company (identified through its capacity to ...
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