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Joker - moja firma, moje ja
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "Joker - my business, my identity" is a project dedicated to Youth Exchange students from Ukraine and Polish. The project is coordinated by Free Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Foundation from Poland. The students will be together in Warsaw from 24.08 to 30.08.2015. The aim of the project is to acquire and strengthen key entrepreneurial and social competences and to show the cultural diversity of Europe, to promote links between young people and the labor market at local, regional and national levels. Nine students from Poland and nine students from Ukraine will participate in this International Youth Exchange. Activities and challenges undertaken by the students are non-formal learning. The students will cope with everyday situations in Poland, organize the events and cooperate in the international groups. Methods used in the project will make the students stay very active - conversations and discussions moderated by a mentor and physical and sport activities. Personal contacts of Polish and Ukrainian students, working together, spend time together will deepen their sense of European Citizenship. This project may be the first step for students participating in the project "Joker - my business, my identity" to the self-employment or found associations, non-governmental organizations or other organizations supporting youth initiatives in the future.
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