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ELCIT - Interactive ICT-based Programme to Train and Learn English Language competenciesfor Instructors of Technical Subjects at Initial Vocational Training Schools

The ELCIT project aims to develop a multimedia interactive programme for student locksmiths, bricklayers, hairdressers and seamstresses to be able to learn basic, professional English language skills in their own technical subjects. The tool will assist both students and instructors of technical or language subjects at initial vocational training level.Based upon a matrix of required language skills and competencies in the four subject matters, four products will be created in paper, CD-Rom and web format to comprise: work-related professional English language modules; self-study tool-kit including practice book, log-book and language aids; a portfolio-style record of competence and user guidelines for each product. The language modules will be piloted and results thoroughly evaluated in four language combinations: EN and respectively CZ, SK, ES & PT. The final learning package will contain all elements and be available in hard copy, CD-Rom and web format.Partners will work with contact persons in local vocational training schools to promote the tools and will further organise press coverage and seminar presentations. Interim outputs will be downloadable from the project website and available on paper however longer-term commercialisation is envisaged beyond the lifetime of the project. A final report will be produced to support a final transnational conference.

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