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Climate Change, Cultural Heritage & Energy Efficient Monuments (Co2olBricks)
Start date: Sep 16, 2010, End date: Dec 15, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The conservation of heritage, in particular historical buildings, is a common goal in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). Due to the common identity in the BSR it is very important to protect the historical buildings in order to preserve the individual characteristics and therewith the attractiveness and competitiveness of the cities around the Baltic Sea. Besides this the international and the EU CO2-reduction targets have to be fulfilled. After the first wave of technical improvements like modern heating systems, especially thermal insulations of the outer walls produced incompatibilities with heritage and monument conservation affairs.Therefore the main aim of the Co2olBricks project was to push the process of balancing the different interests of climate protection and heritage preservation. For that purpose on the one hand a broader sensitivity for the problem and on the other hand practical recommendations how to deal within this area of conflict are necessary.The partnership comprises 18 partners from Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus and Germany, combining know how from heritage preservation departments, departments for protection of the environment, city administrations, universities, training institutions, representatives of housing societies, monument protection societies and energy agencies.The main objectives and expected results of the project were: • to forward the political discussion on national and transnational level about the installation of new cooperation models between administrative institutions, architects, engineers, housing and building companies and affected building owners leading to the implementation of new strategies for technically, administratively and historically adequate approaches and declaring a transnational common position.• to find new technical solutions concerning energy efficiency potentials of historical buildings and to implement, monitor and evaluate pilot projects for historic buildings with optimised energy.• to upgrade the knowledge and education of architects, engineers, craftsmen, etc. and to harmonize the curricula. Achievements: At the beginning of the project in 2010 climate change mitigation and heritage conservation were seen as two conflicting goals. Today we can say that the discussion has well advanced beyond this point and many solutions have been found to achieve both goals at the same time. Today the question is not any more about “if” the two goals can be combined but “what is the best way” is now the question. With this background the project realised the following activities and outputs:1. A “Joint Declaration” and a “Strategic Policy Paper” with recommendations for politicians on all levels, architects, engineers, conservation officers and owners to act in the future.2. Eight brochures about political and administrational issues, technical reports and best case studies and educational material were published by the Co2olBricks project. They are as well available on the projects website as a number of reseach documentations, guidelines and other valuable information.3. On conferences, fairs and open seminars the general public and experts got a wide range of information from basics up to technical know-how, e.g. • Co2olBricks Results Conference on 3rd December 2013 in Hamburg.• International seminars in Helsinki, Malmö, Velikij Novgorod, Tallinn and Minsk for architects, engineers, house owners, conservators. • EcoMäss fairs in September 2012 and 2013 in Tallinn, Estonia.• International Fair “denkmal 2012” in November 2012 in Leipzig, Germany.• “Environment and Energy 2012 and 2013” trade fair in October 2012 and 2013 in Riga, Latvia.• Co2olBricks Midterm Conference, September 2012 in Malmö, Sweden.• International Conference on Monuments Protection and Energy Efficiency, April 2012, Gdansk, Poland.• International Conference in Hamburg, April 2011. 4. On stakeholder meetings, workshops and excursions in all participating BSR-countries the issues of climate protection and heritage preservation were discussed, e.g. with• Politicians from local, regional, national and European level.• Architects, energy experts, engineers, heritage conservators, urban planners.• House owners.• Education and qualification experts.5. The direct work on researches and pilot projects creates practical and transnational know how about diverse aspects for the project partners, other participating experts and all interested people, e.g. • Case studies that show the complex procedures of an energy refurbishment of a historic building.• Analysis of the constitution of heritage buildings concerning energy efficiency (energy audits).• Hygrothermical effects in brick walls, internal insulations or wall tempering systems.

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  • 75.5%   3 250 591,16
  • 2007 - 2013 Baltic Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

17 Partners Participants