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Developing the planning of work-based learning by transferring and implementing existing good practises in Common Quality Assurance Framework (WBL-TOI_MANUAL)

Quality in VET (Vocational Education and Training) has been actively developed in European cooperation during the recent years. Also numerous good practices of work-based learning have been created in VET as results of innovative projects. Only in Finland hundreds of projects have deleveloped the quality of VET and work-based learning and gained remarkable results. Althoughresults are well-known and published in compendiums or databases, they are marginally exploited both nationally and transnationally.Commission has specially urged the stakeholders to learn from good practices and apply under new Life Long Learning -programme 2007-2013.Good practices have been considered strongly context-dependent and therefore their successful transfer has been problematic. In this project the whole transfer of good practices and the quality assurance of the process have been assured by using the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (EQARF)procedure. The Manual, which has been created during this project is intended to give help for identifying good work-based learning practices developed by another organization and for transfering practices to own organization. The Manual contains tools and methods which reveal and share the tacit knowledge associated with the good practices. The guidelines of the Manual have been piloted and validated during the project in real transfer of good practices of work-based learning between partners. Specially the focus is on planning of the work-based learning according to needs of partners and national experiences. The apprenticeship training partners are involved, too.The critical points of the transfer process and the feedback of the partners have been collected after the piloting and taken into account in finalizing the Manual. The information of the transferred practces is also documentated. In every country national transfer strategíes have been drawn up in order to increase transfer of innovations and use of the Manual.All partners have long experience of quality management in VET and have excellentdissemination capability. The project partnerships were completed by a multi-actor network comprising silent partners. The use of experts and mentors would confirm the transfer and implementation of good practises.

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10 Partners Participants