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InnoSee project will contribute to key competences development and harmonisation of common educational standards in the field of research-driven clusters. Such competences are not defined yet in the EU. Learning modules will be developed and tested. They will be based on the specific RDC needs and will provide the necessary skills and competencies for successful RDC planning and implementation in ...
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Working through the gears for engineering SMEs : The project seeks to improve the competitiveness of the mechanical engineering sector by helping SME managers develop business strategies. It will also draw up methodologies for the delivery of informal learning in the workplace. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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Key competences, assumed as a reference model for education and training in Europe (2010 Joint Progress Report ), are often acquired and developed in non-formal and informal contexts; this makes them not assessed nor recognized and consequently not used by adults for their personal and professional improvement. It lacks a culture of key competences, and their value is not enough valorised. This ...
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Assessment and Evaluation in CLIL

Start date: Jan 1, 2010,

The cornerstone of the project is as follows:o observing the impact of the various applications of CLIL methodology:o the acquisition of general skills, disciplinary knowledge and competences,o the acquisition in particular of creative and intercultural skills o the development of plurilingualism and multilingualismo in the professional field.The basic idea is:o to determine whether a CLIL project ...
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The DIA-FCC project intents to inspire and to promote the capability of dialogical communication and behaviour - based on the theory developed by David Bohm and others - to initiate change processes. Dialogue aims in a shared exploration at generation of greater shared understanding. The goal of dialogue is to find common ground in appreciating people's diversity The overall main purpose of the pr ...
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The CATS project will develop a set of frameworks, tools and systems to support the future growth and diversification of the European Energy Sector. The partnership will develop competency frameworks for a wide range of sub-sectors including both traditional and renewable technologies, produce interactive online competency assessment and impact assessment tools, guidance manuals and an eService so ...
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The rapid development of microelectronics devices and their assembling technologies is accompanied by the dramatic change of the knowledge required from all technical personnel (engineers, technicians, skilled or even unskilled workers) employed in this field. The main aims and objectives of the projects are to adapt and integrate the innovative content and results already existing at some univers ...
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Das Ziel des Projektes ist die Entwicklung eines modular aufgebauten und medial unterstützten Qualifizierungskonzeptes. Dies soll in Kombination aus 7 Qualifizierungsmodulen und einer Materialien-CD Auszubildende und Facharbeiter zur Durchführung unternehmensinterner Analysen (Prozessanalysen) hinsichtlich der Ermittlung und Umsetzung von Optimierungspotentialen befähigen. Dabei findet unter ander ...
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The project aims at providing VET-teachers and learning facilitators competencies in diversification of training based on individual expectations and abilities to manage training content. The project will begin with a survey of user’s needs analysis and national training strategies made in all participating countries. The activities include: (1) Developing of a ODL course curriculum and consistent ...
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The CRITON project focuses on distance education and e-learning systems, aiming at offering accurately and timely prediction of the final performance of distance learners / e-learners. This project will enable teachers and tutors of different educational levels (primary / secondary / tertiary education, adult education, VET) to predict on time whether an e-learner succeeds or fails at the end of ...
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The project seeks to fill the communication and information gap between people with disabilities and their potential employers and trainers at companies. The object is to facilitate access by the disabled to practical vocational training and to the labour market. To achieve these goals, the project uses counselling, qualification measures and practical support to help people with disabilities and ...
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The main goal of this project is to apply and test thoroughly the methodology already developed by the Leonardo/Believe project in different business sectors and countries inside the European Union. The first objective is the creation of adequate metrics for initial business goal and the second one is the development of high quality e-learning course. The third objective concerns the actual runnin ...
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The project aims to fill the comunication and information gap between people with disabilities and their potential employers and trainers in the companies in order to facilitate the access of this disadvantaged group to practical vocational training and to the labour market. Zur Erreichung der Ziele setzt das Projekt auf Beratung, Qualifizierung und praktische Unterstützung für einen kompetenten I ...
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The project responds to the need for equivalency and comparability for know-how, training and skills of people across Europe. It intends to transfers the strategy, curricula and learning and training resources of the new professional supplementary qualification "Euregio competence" of the Euregio Maas-Rhein to other EU border regions with equal needs for integration of regional competences into th ...
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THESEIS aims at developing, testing and disseminating an innovative training model in the field of occupational Health and Safety of workers in the pollution management sector of eco-industry.The increasing demand for this material can be attributed to several factors: People working in eco-industry face specific risks related to their activities; most of the companies of the sector are SMEs; ther ...
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The project aims to train a new type of manager who will be capable of guiding the process of generational change in the running of family owned businesses. It will develop innovative e-learning tools to improve the skills of those with experience in management, but not skilled and qualified for coping with the next generation take-over of Small and Medium Sized family business Enterprises. The ma ...
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The proposal aims towards the development of a certification system for executives and volunteers working for NGOs and in particular to evaluate and accredit non-formal and informal education and training (knowledge, skills and competencies they have acquired through their experience).NGOs have, over the years, played a significant role in social problem-solving & public affairs. This has led to a ...
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TAQC&MOLE&GAP means” Creating an Observatory on Europe wide Transparency of Academic Qualifications and Competences(TAQC)for Catching the Mobility of Labor in Europe(MOLE)and Filling the Generalized Academic Policy(GAP)” Eleven partners out of eight countries participate in this “Reference Material Project” dealing with easier recognition of academic diploma as well in the academic area as in the ...
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There are three main aims for this project:1) To make it easier for new workers to enter the European Wind Industry.2) To make it easier for the (global) wind energy production companies to get qualified staff for installation and maintenance of the wind turbines.3) To make the employment procedures more efficient.
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Pedestrians are among the unprotected road users who interact with traffic of high speed. This makes them vulnerable and they suffer the most severe consequences of accidents. In big cities like Antalya the safety of roads can be improved. The vocational trainings and traffic regulations are two of the fields that require rigorous attention. Linking policy to practice, traffic safety has to be con ...
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Promoting sustainable development in the management of small craft enterprises is the aim of this project. It will design training for heads of companies, employees and mentors and ultimately for the apprentices to whom company know-how and skills will be transmitted. Results will include pedagogical tools, testing of the accompanying methodology, CD-Rom, a website, conferences and an evaluation r ...
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Description:SESAMO project exploited the results of previous Leonardo da Vinci projects and ECVET indications in order to reach two specific aims:contributing to the transparency of the VET systems by enabling other Partner countries to employ the established linkscontributing to the mutual recognition of the vocational learning outcomes reached in mobility contexts (BEATRIC and ECVET). The method ...
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The main goal of the project is to develop an e-learning course related to Textile Defects Analysis that will promote equality at eLearning and ICT, especially among textile workers, unemployed textile workers and students. This project consists in using the deliverables of the SMADETEX, FIBRIN and QUALITEX projects and creating a system with the objective of establish a dynamic and cohesive learn ...
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Vocational Training centres and, in general, most small and medium sized companies do not have tools or systems that let them manage innovation properly. Their management systems are more geared towards tackling the tasks that are their day to day work rather than creating time and resources for forward planning that would enable them to work on innovative projects.The RAINOVA project follows the ...
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The use of ICT in education and training has been a priority in most European countries during the last decade. A small percentage of schools in some countries have embedded ICT into the curriculum, and demonstrate high levels of effective and appropriate ICT use to support and transform teaching and learning across a wide range of subject areas. Although it appears to be recognised the value of I ...
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...ment are addressed• To ensure that end user groups are included throughout each phase of the project. Consortium:Nottingham Trent University (UK) - coordinator; GHI (UK); Swedish Telepedagogic Knowledge Centre (STPKC); Province of Parma (IT).Results: A robust needs analysis report per partner country; User groups set up in the 3 countries to ensure full target user involvement A set of 4 3D inter ...
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The final quality assurance system contains guidelines for the preparation and organization of work placements, the preparation of the beneficiaries, for mentoring, monitoring and evaluation as well as a partner registration tool. Institutions that are registered at EUKCEM and guarantee to implement the QAS tools issues EUKCEM certificates in addition to the Europass Mobility.EUKCEM established ...
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The project focuses on innovation and transfer of products of the pilot project "Improvement of the Quality, Effectiveness and Efficiency of Healthcare Services" (SK/03/B/F/PP-177014). The primary actions foreseen by the new projects are: - Collaborative Quality Function Deployment of the Virtual HealthCare Quality Centre; - utilisation of new software for the existing content management portal; - ...
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The project is proposed due to the current needs for providing efficient training to the technicians / officers collectively, as a significant component in the development of competetive economies. Difficulties, as determined by previous contacts of the promoter partner with sector, arise from the realities such as scarcity of personal and technical resources, increased daily expenses, heavy worki ...
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Das Ziel des Projektes ist die Entwicklung eines modular aufgebauten und medial unterstützten Qualifizierungskonzeptes. Dies soll in Kombination aus 7 Qualifizierungsmodulen und einer Materialien-CD Auszubildende und Facharbeiter zur Durchführung unternehmensinterner Analysen (Prozessanalysen) hinsichtlich der Ermittlung und Umsetzung von Optimierungspotentialen befähigen. Dabei findet unter ander ...
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The project focuses on innovation transfer of the previous project AURORA training modules to take into account the changes in rural tourism and technologies, which had occurred since the first project realization. The modules help to create the basic knowledge to start one’s own business and to satisfy growing request for new kinds of complementary activities in rural tourism.
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The ECVET-Trainer project proposed incorporating the results of Food-fit project (File:147627-LLP-1-2008-1-ES-KA1-EQF-2008-4524) in order to facilitate the understanding of the ECVET model by VET trainers and centres in the four key productive sectors of the EU (agriculture, industry, construction and services, see NACE codes below), taking into account the EQF levels 1 to 4 and the needs of impro ...
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The main goal of this project is to develop an e-learning course related with Environment, Energy, Quality and Safety at Work areas, oriented to companies workers, unemployed people with high degree education and also students, that have special needs in this areas. The project is oriented, specifically, to companies’ needs, helping in the decision process during critical situations, in a cognitiv ...
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In this project, a new strategy for the technological and professional training is presented. This strategy is based on the use, in a broad and collaborative way, of a technological platform for the remote theoretical/practical learning via the Internet of systems of telephony, telematics and microprocessors.The main results are:-Development of an e-learning platform as support for the project.-De ...
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Children’s ergonomics gather all the needs derived from the child-product interaction including physical (fitting, anthropometry, growth), physiological (thermal comfort, perspiration), motor aspects (adaptation to movements), psychological (cognitive capacity), or any combination of them (usability and safety). Children’s ergonomic needs significantly differ from adults’. Moreover, these needs ev ...
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The project aims at creating a transnational network in the domain of virtual and remote experiments for e-learning based on integration and optimization of existing products (some of them created in the framework of the pilot project “Virtual-Electro-Lab”, RO/01/B/F/PP141024) with the multilateral use of the transnational network capacities. The main target groups are trainers in the field of tec ...
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The most important tangible outcomes of this project will be the growing use of Micro and SMEs in distance training systems (elearning) and the recognition of the evaluation process by the competence recognition and validation organizations.As intangible outcomes we can say it will be the effective increase, as we can measure the efficiency of the output results, in the training quality. As this i ...
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The INFLOW project will develop a model for the identification of informal learning taking place in SMEs. The project will promote the acquisition and recognition of key skills in informal learning and will develop sustainable partnerships for training in informal learning to promote an integrated transnational approach to the recognition and validation of informal learning. Given that most workpl ...
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Beyond the School Project - Landscape Telling Stories1) The objective is to extend an already verified and successful BTS project to Sweden, Lithuania and Latvia.2) The target groups are - VET schools, students of VET schools, educational and school management staff. 3) The partnership involves partners with various experiences with the BTS project and its localization (CFME CZ as an creator, CFME ...
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 FINISHED project aims to built on the work already carried out by the Technical Working Group on Quality and by the Thematic Monitoring Group 3 and proposes the valorisation of existing quality practices and approaches at institute and project level, through the development of a sustainable portal, an advanced information system-showcase of quality models and approaches and the networking of st ...
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