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European Network for Quality Assurance in VET ( project aims to built on the work already carried out by the Technical Working Group on Quality and by the Thematic Monitoring Group 3 and proposes the valorisation of existing quality practices and approaches at institute and project level, through the development of a sustainable portal, an advanced information system-showcase of quality models and approaches and the networking of stakeholders. The project consist of 3 phases:1)Analysis:Identification and review of quality models and practices. It will include models,practices, approaches and methodologies including procedures,criteria, idicators, mechanisms and tools of quality management and quality assurance.It will examine also issues related to quality of adult learning, training in SME’s, e-learning, gender equality in training and social inclusion.2)Development of a portal and an information system: The will develop an intrgrated a portal including an information system that who will offer the the following services:categorisation of models and practices according the differnet elements of the European Common Quality Assurance Framework, review of differents systems, self-evaluation and peer review tools etc. 3)Networking:The project will organise a series of networking activities in view to facilitate the best practices excange and valorisation of project results.The net working activities include organisation of conferences, workshops and exhibitions and the operation of a communication platform in the portal that will ensure the valorisation of but also other projects regarding quality in VET.

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