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online tool for self eValuatIoN of key competences in adult AGE
Start date: Jan 1, 2013,

Key competences, assumed as a reference model for education and training in Europe (2010 Joint Progress Report ), are often acquired and developed in non-formal and informal contexts; this makes them not assessed nor recognized and consequently not used by adults for their personal and professional improvement. It lacks a culture of key competences, and their value is not enough valorised. This is confirmed by the Council conclusions of 11 May 2010 on competences supporting lifelong learning and the ‘new skills for new jobs’ initiative, that invites to “Develop the Europass framework in line with the implementation of the EQF and with a view to recording and highlighting more effectively the knowledge, skills and competences acquired by citizens throughout their lives in a variety of learning settings, including by considering the development of a ‘personal skills passport’ based on existing Europass elements”. Actually, for example, the Europass CV format includes sections for the recording of Digital Competences, or Social competences, but differently from the description of foreign language competences, specific descriptors still lack for these key competences. The project intends to: design a framework for the assessment of Key competences and a basic portfolio to report results of self- assessment; develop an online digital tool for self-assessment of key competences. Project meets two targets: 1- teachers, trainers, counsellors and practitioners working in NVAE; 2- adult/elderly learners attending courses in NVAE, 20 to 50 people from each partner Country (IT, NL, DE, SE, IE, AT).
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