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Training on Health & Safety for workers in the Environment Industrial Sector
Start date: Nov 1, 2011,

THESEIS aims at developing, testing and disseminating an innovative training model in the field of occupational Health and Safety of workers in the pollution management sector of eco-industry.The increasing demand for this material can be attributed to several factors: People working in eco-industry face specific risks related to their activities; most of the companies of the sector are SMEs; there are constantly new entrants; the individuals should have the competencies required to meet the H&S challenges arising from the quick technological changes.In contrary to the abovementioned necessity there is nothing specifically oriented to this sector which includes more than 2.5 million persons occupied in the EU-25.THESEIS seeks i) to determine the competences, skills, knowledge and attitudes that the particular workforce needs to acquire and ii) to address these using innovative pedagogical approaches and practices based on collaboration instructional strategy and interactive on-line design tools.The main project outputs and products will be: A transnational survey of the training needs; An assessment of the existing National Qualification Frameworks; The application of an extensively interactive collaborative approach to learning service design; The development of the associated learning tools based on VCP (Virtual Community Platform) technology; Various dissemination activities; The 5 years Exploitation Plan.The spread and wide adaptation of the new innovative training model will generate several direct benefits both for companies and workers operating in the sector addressed (improve labour conditions, decrease risks and possibility of accidents).In addition it will empower companies and individuals to engage in true lifelong learning, career planning and development, create a culture of pedagogical learning and encourage new entrants into the sector enhancing the mobility of individuals and the productivity of the European Eco-Industry Sector.

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  •   399 947,00
  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\LEONARDO DA VINCI\Multilateral projects on Innovation
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

11 Partners Participants