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Assessment and Evaluation in CLIL
Start date: Jan 1, 2010,

The cornerstone of the project is as follows:o observing the impact of the various applications of CLIL methodology:o the acquisition of general skills, disciplinary knowledge and competences,o the acquisition in particular of creative and intercultural skills o the development of plurilingualism and multilingualismo in the professional field.The basic idea is:o to determine whether a CLIL project confers added value on the quality of learning:o knowledge o disciplinary competences o relational and socio-affective skills,o thinking skills (how to develop and improve them)o learning skills (do students learn better and more?)We therefore propose to:o start short training sessions for teachers with a view to:o comparing and developing ways of implementing and sharing CLIL projects and experiences in the schools of the participant countries,o planning CLIL pathways (by using online resources) in some disciplines to be chosen from the field of science and technology and from the arts and humanities in collaboration with the different partners involved o designing and implementing monitoring and evaluation tools o producing learning units through the methods of cooperative learning, using the available ICT tools o testing in class the material produced, using the monitoring devicesocomparing and disseminating the results through the social web This evaluation process and the outputs would be thus organized:o Monitoring and evaluating the process and the end- results of the project through:o The collection and systematic organization of the learning units,o The collection and systematic organization of the assessment tests,o The comparative analysis of the test resultso The implementation of an online data base of all the materials.o Research starting from the analysis of the needs:o validation of a teaching-learning method (CLIL),o ratio expected results/achievements.
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