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VET-TREND - Valorisation of an Experiment-based Training System through a Transnational Educational Network Development

The project aims at creating a transnational network in the domain of virtual and remote experiments for e-learning based on integration and optimization of existing products (some of them created in the framework of the pilot project “Virtual-Electro-Lab”, RO/01/B/F/PP141024) with the multilateral use of the transnational network capacities. The main target groups are trainers in the field of technical vocational education training (VET). The target sectors are education and manufacturing involving high schools, technical colleges, engineering faculties, which need to meet the requirements of the labour market. Additionally, companies and small and medium enterprises, which need to adapt the professional profile of their employees to the newest technologies and agencies for occupational and professional formation, which need to use the best retraining methods are other targeted sectors.

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11 Partners Participants