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23 European Projects Found

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Urban strategies for Waste Management in Tourist Cities (UrBAN-WASTE)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2019,

Europe’s cities are some of the world’s greatest tourism destinations. The socio-economic impact of tourism is extraordinary and urban tourism, but it brings at the same time a range of negative externalities, including high levels of unsustainable resource consumption and waste production. In comparison with other cities, tourist cities have to face additional challenges related to waste preventi ...
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Compartir es convivir

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The first objective of this project is to search information on measures and actions that other European schools carried out in the framework of coexistence.In addition we will share with them our experience. Educational Projects of the centers will be enriched by this exchange.We want our environment to provide further guidance and action through collaborative work.Finally, they will be released ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project MEMORY: A PASSPORT TO THE FUTURE responds to the need of strengthening cooperation ties between schools, with the aim of searching and implementing innovative technologies and exchanching experiences and good educational practices. It is aligned with the priorities of formal education, as it pursues the improvement of basic skills in Secondary Education students, 12 -16 years of age, h ...
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"Je, tu, nous, Citoyens Mediterranéens"

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

"I, you, we, Mediterranean Citizens" is a project born from the collaboration between five countries: Spain, Greece, Croatia, Italy and France.We wanted to participate in an ERASMUS + partnerships strategic project in order to meet common needs: the difficulty of acquiring basic skills of our students, the lack of citizen awareness and increased school dropout. To meet these needs, we decided to w ...
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Educando para el futuro, abriendo caminos

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

Our motto this year: "Educating for the future, on the road" through the promotion of excellence, quality education and internationalization of our center.Our context:- High rates of failure and early school leaving. (It remains the major challenge for us)- New challenges to incorporate new bilingual courses.- Increase of violence and radicalization in the classroom.- Not always effective strategi ...
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Coaching for Future Entrepreneurship Ambassadors

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

The “Coaching for Future Entrepreneurship Ambassadors” project is the result of a 12 European partner organizations collaboration, having various approaches in working with young people: 6 NGO’s helping different target groups to reach their personal and business goals, 4 foundations, which one of them a university, that have vast experience in teaching young people in very diverse sectors, one in ...
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Enabling Youth Entrepreneurship Support Group

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The Enabling Youth Entrepreneurship Support Group project is the result of a 4 European business incubators collaboration, having various approaches in working with youth enterprises: one cooperative from Italy (Impact HUB Syracuse) - member of one of the largest co-working spaces networks in the world, the Macedonian Foundation Business StartUP Center from Bitola - having wide experience in devel ...
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Noi, in Europa

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Context / background of project The Comprehensive School " Giuseppe Lombardo Radice " is located in the new city centre of Syracuse, in a busy neighborhood with a large number of schools, offices and commercial activities . The Institute is made up of 40 classes for a total of 972 students, divided into 202 pupils in Kindergarten, 520 attend Primary school, whereas 250 attend Secondary scho ...
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Puppets mission: childhood without borders

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

... from eight European countries: • Kindergarten „Žilvitis“, Lithuania (Kaunas dist.); • Sbo de Bolder, Netherlands (Franeker); • Istituto Comprensivo "Giuseppe Lombardo Radice", Italy (Siracusa); • OOU Goce Delcev, Macedonia (Kavadarci); • Scoala Gimnaziala Ioan Bancescu Adancata, Romania (Suceava); • Kindergartens Latinka and Izvorche, Bulgaria (Shumen); • Agrupamento de Escolas de Albufeira Poen ...
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ImaGenX is a cross-border network of users, health providers, administrators, and researchers from Sicily and Malta tasked to promote Breast Cancer surveillance. By integrating interdisciplinary expertise in epidemiology and molecular genetics and through client empowerment it aims to strengthen the structured care and surveillance of women at risk from breast cancer. Risk assessment, stratificati ...
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The project aims to promote the technologic exchange in the productive processes of agro-food and fisheries processing and packaging, in order to constitute specialised competences through training initiatives (Training course on mediation of innovation) and activation of competences for the creation of specific tools supporting the innovation of the enterprises system in the Ariana region, with t ...
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Euro South Hub (THE-HUB)

Start date: Apr 14, 2011, End date: Apr 13, 2013,

... from the experience already maturated in more than 23 cities in the world from which 4 within the Mediterranean basin ( The main idea is to create a physical HUB in Ortigia (Siracusa) with a small branch in Lampedusa and two virtual spaces, one for Malta and the other for facilitating the communication between Siracusa, Malta and Lampedusa. The aim is to facilitate the cu ...
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...eraction. The partnership has worked to promote the scientific and environmental value of the areas ecosystems through the creation of four Environmental Education Centres (EEC) at the Palermo, Siracusa, Lampadusa and Linosa, and Gozo MPAs. Each centre, open to the public, has been equipped with lifesize models of the fl ora and fauna that populate the MPA ecosystems. They have also been equipped ...
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Breakthrough in European Ship and Shipbuilding Technologies (BESST)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

"Initiated by EUROYARDS, BESST aims to achieve a breakthrough in competitiveness, environmentally friendliness and safety of EU built ships. Focusing on passenger ships, ferries and mega-yachts, the results will to a large extend be applicable also to other ships. A holistic life cycle performance assessment on ship level will guide the technical developments on system level, clustered in System G ...
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Sustainable interregional bike tourism (SIBIT)

Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Jan 29, 2013,

... and the adaptation of accommodation facilities with services for bicycle tourism. In particular, during the design phase a plan of cycle routes in fi ve Sicilian Provinces (Agrigento, Ragusa, Siracusa, Trapani, and Caltanissetta) and Malta was drawn up, altogether 24 main or secondary routes for a total of over 1000 km. Sign-posts along the routes have been set up to provide useful information fo ...
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The network of Mediterranean gardens (GARDMED)

Start date: Apr 9, 2011, End date: Oct 8, 2012,

...Eco Green Tourism. GARDMED will directly involve at least 15 gardens from Malta and all eligible areas of Sicily. Partners in the proposal are: Botanical Garden of Catania, Botanical Garden of Malta, Siracusa and Floriana municipalities. The majority of project activities will be implemented symmetrically in both partner countries The GARDMED project fulfils two major requirements 1. to establis ...
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Research And Development – Investing On SMEs (RADIO SME’s)

Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

...rsities, and sector Networks and Consortia. The activity will concern Italy in the provinces of Caserta (Campania), Matera and Potenza (Basilicata), Foggia (Puglia), Crotone and Catanzaro (Calabria), Siracusa (Sicily), while in Greece it will concern the area of Central Greece and the Evia Region. All actions and activities that will be developed can be to a large extent attributed to two macro ob ...
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Is.Ide.M. - Isole ed identite  in movimento (Is.Ide.M.)

Start date: Mar 31, 2006, End date: Nov 29, 2007,

Context:The area concerned is characterized by the greatness of the artistic and archaeological heritage, with its significant history and richness and variety of traditions, also due to an increasing attention towards the cultural contemporary heritage. The project responds to the need to integrate tradition and the way of life of today, the value of existing heritage and support for the artisti ...
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The city of Bastia in Corsica is the smallest URBACT LeadPartner city in population terms but by no means shouldthis be a judge of the quality of the networking activity. Thisproject which started work in June 2004 with a kick offmeeting in Bastia has held a total of 8 seminars and a finalconference in November 2006 in Naples. The seminarsalways included site visits and case study examples whichar ...
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This project involves the adaptation and integration of innovative contents and results of two LLP Projects, in public and private vocational training, education and business systems in Italy and in Europe (Portugal , Cyprus, Slovack). The project calls for an increase in the quality and the attractiveness of European education and training system through the adaptation, transfer and development o ...
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As one of the first thematic networks approved MEDINT hasshown the importance of local working for effectivenetworking. This network was established with the aimof having few key exchange meetings where all partnerscame together but more local forum meetings in eachpartner city bringing together all sectors to create groupswhich are sustainable after the network is complete.This structure has prov ...
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The IRFPP addresses the problems facing neighbourhood social workers in housing estates. The objectives are to promote the image of the social worker, to effectively recruit and select future personnel, to train them using suitable training modules (CZ, EN, FR, IT, SV) and, finally, to ensure that these training courses are recognised by the professional sector and the public authorities.Hence the ...
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The REGENERANDO network focused its exchangeon reinforcing the role cities play in shaping employmentpolicies. Since starting work in March 2004 this network hasheld a total of 9 working meetings including internationalconferences and expert meetings. These meetings havecovered topics such as the irregular economy, employmentpolicies for target groups like young people, older people,long term unem ...
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