European Projects
Start date: Apr 30, 2011,
End date: Mar 31, 2013
The main objective of the PANACEA project is to promote the sound scientific management of biodiversity assets within Sicilian and Maltese MPAs by drawing on codes of best practice developed within selected MPAs and through the institution of environmental educational centres. These centres can be considered as portals of edutainment, in which visitors (students, divers, tourists, locals) are regaled with a didactic experience through a kaleidoscopic overview of the MPAs living resources through a number of ad hoc tools, including documentaries, interactive tools, permanent exhibitions and models, ecological laboratories, etc. The project is divided into 5 WP: 1: Management and coordination; 2: Study and analysis: in-house expertise, ecological modelling, reporting, didactic and scientific description, etc; 3. planning and actuation of the 4 Environmental Educational Centres; 4. Initiation of the 4 Environmental Educational Centres; 5. Communication and Publicity: marketing plan, web-site, seminaries, conventions, didactic materials, promotional materials, edutaintment panels for the E.E.C. educational experiences, documentaries about the MPAs.Il progetto PANACEA è stato ideato per promuovere, valorizzare, monitorare le AMP siciliane e maltesi, per migliorarne la gestione, per favorirne linterazione, per promuoverne il valore scientifico ed ambientale, attraverso la realizzazione di Centri di Educazione Ambientale (CEA) ovvero di strutture atte a proporre attraverso documentari, pannelli di edutaintment, diorami, laboratori esperienziali, un percorso conoscitivo delle AMP e della biodiversità delle stesse nonché altre attività idonee al raggiungimento degli obiettivi specifici. Il progetto è suddiviso in 5 WP: 1: Gestione e coordinamento del progetto; 2: Produzione dei contenuti scientifici: analisi sul campo e bibliografica, redazione report, definizione contenuti didattici e scientifici per i WP successivi; 3. Ideazione, progettazione e realizzazione di 4 CEA; 4. Start-up CEA: progettazione di percorsi didattici ed espletamento dellattività divulgativa; 5. Informazione e Comunicazione: redazione del piano di comunicazione; progettazione e realizzazione del sito internet; organizzazione di seminari tematici e di convegni per il lancio dei CEA; realizzazione di materiale didattico, promozionale e divulgativo da distribuire allinterno dei CEA; realizzazione dei pannelli didattici, divulgativi e interattivi necessari ai fini dellallestimento dei CEA e della progettazione dei percorsi didattici; realizzazione dei video sulle AMP da proiettare allinterno dei CEA. Achievements: The project has worked at monitoring the Sicilian and Maltese maritime protected areas to improve management and interaction. The partnership has worked to promote the scientific and environmental value of the areas ecosystems through the creation of four Environmental Education Centres (EEC) at the Palermo, Siracusa, Lampadusa and Linosa, and Gozo MPAs. Each centre, open to the public, has been equipped with lifesize models of the fl ora and fauna that populate the MPA ecosystems. They have also been equipped with documentaries, edutainment panels, dioramas, and hands-on learning laboratories to accompany the study of the areas biodiversity. The partnership has promoted through the centres a heightened level of awareness on environmental themes, especially among the Sicilian and Maltese school children who joined in environmental protection campaigns. At the European level, PANACEA was very well received at the European Day of the Sea, organized in La Valletta (Malta) in 2013, where maritime experts from all over Europe discussed how to promote the tourism industry as a key factor in contributing to the EUs Blue development programme. • 4 Environmental education centres (EEC) in Sicily and Malta • 1 Sicilian and Maltese Marine Protection Areas network • 150 Information and interactive panels produced