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As one of the first thematic networks approved MEDINT hasshown the importance of local working for effectivenetworking. This network was established with the aimof having few key exchange meetings where all partnerscame together but more local forum meetings in eachpartner city bringing together all sectors to create groupswhich are sustainable after the network is complete.This structure has provided a much stronger local impactwith more local actors participating in the network than inother networks.The theme of integrated approach allowed the cityparticipants to bring together key urban actors fromall sectors at a local level and reported the findings of thesegroups at 3 key exchange meetings.MEDINTs starting point was that the integrated approach isthe best strategy to solve problems of sustainable urbandevelopment across Europe.Local Forums have been a central and driving activity of thenetwork and produced many of the strongest results. Basedon an active dialogue between inhabitants, municipalitypersonnel, businesses, and elected representatives priorto effectively start any urban project, Local Forums were anew concept to many of the cities. Its success in the MEDINTexperiment has underlined the essential need forinterchanges between inhabitants and municipalities,but also the need for exchanges between all levels of actors– public and private sectors, citizens, voluntary sector –to guarantee the future development of European cities.The results of the local forums were brought together intoa final report on the Integrated Approach in MediterraneanLocal Development. Achievements: Please refer to the 'Description' field, which also includes the achievements of this project.

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  • 44.3%   300 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 URBACT I
  • Project on KEEP Platform

10 Partners Participants