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Euro South Hub (THE-HUB)
Start date: Apr 14, 2011, End date: Apr 13, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Euro-South HUB wants to create a research center, a social space, an incubator for project and social enterprise, starting from the experience already maturated in more than 23 cities in the world from which 4 within the Mediterranean basin ( The main idea is to create a physical HUB in Ortigia (Siracusa) with a small branch in Lampedusa and two virtual spaces, one for Malta and the other for facilitating the communication between Siracusa, Malta and Lampedusa. The aim is to facilitate the cultural, social and economic promotion of the human patrimony of this sensitive portion of the Mediterranean Sea. Special attention will be paid on connecting the tageted territories with international networks and circuits that look beyond the traditional seasonal tourism. The intention of adopting the HUB philosophy in order to consolidate the vocations and identities of Siracusa (Ortigia), Malta (Valletta), and Lampedusa - especially in their historical centers and in their peculiar condition of last European regions in the South of the Mediterranean - is coherent with the Neighbour Policy of the EU that encourages to develop a growth which instead of being spot-shaped and based on several centers (Messina, Catania, Siracusa, Ragusa, Malta, Lampedusa…) is oriented to create interconnected axles and corridors for sustainable and endogenous local development.Euro-South HUB intende creare un centro di ricerca, aggregazione, servizi e incubatore di progetti e di impresa sociale, sulla base di quanto già realizzato in oltre 23 città in tutto il mondo e di cui quattro nel bacino del Mediterraneo ( Lidea di realizzare un centro HUB a Ortigia (Siracusa) con una succursale a Lampedusa e un doppio spazio virtuale sul web (uno per Malta e laltro per connettere Siracusa, Malta e Ortigia) per risponde all'esigenza di accompagnare la promozione e riqualificazione culturale, sociale e imprenditoriale del patrimonio umano presente in questa piccola, centrale e significativa porzione di Mediterraneo, con uno sguardo specifico alla messa in rete di questi territori con circuiti internazionali che sappiano andare al di là della fruizione turistica di tipo tradizionale. Lidea di adottare la filosofia degli HUB per consolidare le vocazioni e lidentità di Siracusa, Malta e Lampedusa - specialmente nei loro centri storici e come estremi avamposti meridionali dello spazio unico dellUnione Europea - risponde allesigenza, già enfatizzata dalle priorità strategiche delle politiche di prossimità comunitarie, di superare la logica di uno sviluppo puntiforme (Messina, Catania, Siracusa, Ragusa, Malta, Lampedusa) e di contribuire a creare, viceversa, un corrodoio, area e asse di sviluppo endogeno, diffuso, interconnesso e quindi sostenibile. Achievements: The project produced a hub for research, aggregation, services, and a think tank for projects and social enterprises involving Malta, Siracusa and Lampadusa through the reation of a physical and virtual hub space, on a model already tested in about 40 cities the world over. Within the spaces of Ortigia (Siracusa) and Lampedusa the hubbers run laboratories tied to enterprises, social innovation, and the eco-sustainable economy. They organise initiatives mainly addressed to entrepreneurs, young people entering the world of work, and women.The technological component 2.0 has enabled the project to disseminate and share the main results with the virtual community of hubbers thanks to the support of a specifi cally developed platform. The technology developed within the project has allowed the users to pass from the two dimensional (as in the case of Facebook) to the three dimensional (similar to the case of Second Life) able to reproduce the dynamics of a physical hub. In this phase, some experiments of heightened reality were designed with the aim of using ITCs to strengthen the connectivity between the hub and users. The HUB project attracts new members and users by mixing digital, virtual, and physical interaction thus contributing to the growth of its social network. The HUBs connection with the international networks has also brought the joint organization of activities with The HUB centres of London, Barcelona, Madrid, Brussels, and Stockholm. • 2 hubs at Ortigia (Siracusa) and Lampedusa • 1 virtual hub space in Malta • 1 community of 7000 social innovators the world over

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  • 83%   735 959,75
  • 2007 - 2013 Italy - Malta (IT-MT)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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4 Partners Participants