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Cultural Heritage Operations for the Regeneration of Urban Sites (CHORUS)

The city of Bastia in Corsica is the smallest URBACT LeadPartner city in population terms but by no means shouldthis be a judge of the quality of the networking activity. Thisproject which started work in June 2004 with a kick offmeeting in Bastia has held a total of 8 seminars and a finalconference in November 2006 in Naples. The seminarsalways included site visits and case study examples whichare now presented within the Final Report.The network’s activities are based on the assumption thatcultural heritage has a contribution to make to the processesof territorial valorisation and modernisation and has to beconsidered as a major resource for economic developmentand social cohesion. The network set out to prove throughpractical examples that cultural heritage should not beconsidered as a constraint in urban regeneration projectsbut should be considered as a resource which can be usedto improve such projects.The work undertaken resulted in the identification of clearguidelines on how to create links between cultural heritagepreservation and urban regeneration. Achievements: Please refer to the 'Description' field, which also includes the achievements of this project.

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  • 50%   300 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 URBACT I
  • Project on KEEP Platform

13 Partners Participants