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"Je, tu, nous, Citoyens Mediterranéens"
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"I, you, we, Mediterranean Citizens" is a project born from the collaboration between five countries: Spain, Greece, Croatia, Italy and France.We wanted to participate in an ERASMUS + partnerships strategic project in order to meet common needs: the difficulty of acquiring basic skills of our students, the lack of citizen awareness and increased school dropout. To meet these needs, we decided to work on a topic that joined us, the Mediterranean. The main objectives are: - To fight against school dropout through an innovative project, - Develop disciplinary skills (language, history, geography, French, art) - To promote the use of ICT (use of different word processing software and images, a TwinSpace, ...) - Develop knowledge of European culture and Mediterranean - To strengthen cooperation between teachers and students, - Improve the quality of our teaching through exchanges with our partners - To germinate the idea of common European identity and intercultural awareness, - Promote the integration of students in the Mediterranean European area, - Personal development in relation to respect for other cultures- Improving building an active and responsible citizenship - Develop the feeling of belonging to Europe - To enhance students' skills and promote social and professional integration. We will work with students of the same age group 14-16 years despite very different schools: a Spanish-English bilingual school in Santos (SPAIN), a Syracuse College (ITALY), two professional schools-colleges in Hvar (CROATIA) and Naoussa (Greece) and a Regional Academic Institution Suitable Bevons (FRANCE). The richness of our project will come from the diversity of our institutions. We want to make these differences a force to offer our students a completely different work methodology.Our activities are all based on the theme of the Mediterranean and declined in sub-themes, the main ones: the cultural, Mediterranean history (Greek and Roman origins), geography, Mediterranean cuisine, Mediterranean art, Mediterranean music, Mediterranean architecture, Mediterranean poetry, the ecosystem of the Mediterranean Sea. All ischools will work throughout the project with the MUCEM Marseille and museums European partners who help us achieve the main results of our collaboration. Thanks to this support, we will with the help of an artist, a commun production, "The city of the future, Mediterranean projection", exposed to MUCEM in June 2016. This digital object will be transplanted in European museums partners in Spain, Greece, Italy and Croatia in 2016-2017. To enrich this proposal, we will create an interactive DVD, "I, you, we, Mediterranean Citizens' end of the project. This courseware will contain all of our work and can be used in European classes. We all want to share our experience in disseminating up our results (movie, blog, DVD, eTwinning) to various audiences (students, families, teachers, local businesses, local, regional authorities, ...), to reach us have established a dissemination plan over two years and wish to use different media: press, digital spaces, local television media, professional conferences, ... We wish to evaluate our project "I, you, we, Mediterranean Citizens' throughout our collaboration to adjust our practices (quiz). To verify its impact, we chose clear indicators to verify its success with our students: increased academic achievement, lower dropout, validation of bases disciplinary skills, languages, ICT; improving the school climate will be an important indicator to measure the development of their intercultural awareness. We also want to promote in our institutions cooperative work and give a European and international dimension to our educational communities. The ERASMUS + program, strategic partnerships between schools only, we will give all the means to live in this beautiful story between our five nations, "I, you, we, Mediterranean Citizens".
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4 Partners Participants