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Emotional intelligence can greatly impact youth work life and career, so it’s important to understand exactly what it is and why it is so important. Every workplace is comprised of people with different strengths, personalities and emotions, which can greatly affect the way they work. Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage youth emotions as well as the emotions of others. Emo ...
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There is a significant gap between the reality of the workplace and the educational world that need trimming. Collaborations business partnerships with schools and training centers represent a bridge on which to base a relationship that provides benefits to both parties. Corporate Volunteering provides an opportunity to connect both realities so that both centers as businesses see enhanced mutual ...
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Over 50% of the unemployed are between 16-25 years, so the Spanish youth is one of the sectors hit hardest by the economic crisis, along with long-term unemployed adults. Because young people are also responsible for the generational change, the problem affects not only the present but also the future. Companies cannot find workers with the expertise they need and graduates of different education ...
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In the document published by the EC in 2012, “Rethinking Education”, the necessity to integrate technology in training centers was already highlighted, insisting on the need of providing trainers with proper training in this regard. Moreover, the Common Framework for Digital Competences for Trainers 2012, published by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport reinforced this argument st ...
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Mentoring between teachers in secondary and high schools

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017, center (KCZIA/Poland), who has experience not only in preparing the trainings for teachers but also in managing and dissemination of the project activities; - consulting and research company INVESLAN/Spain, who was involved in a project “INTERGEN: Intergenerational Mentoring”, during years 2010 to 2012. One of the key aims of the MENTOR Project is to include all the target groups, i.e.: Begin ...
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The continuation of family businesses offers to young unemployed people great opportunitis for their inclusion in the job market. However, this formula is not exploited enough because of the special difficulties it involves. The reason why the transfer is normally difficult is because the transition of a family business involves a transfer of ownership but also a transfer of management and in many ...
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Play & Learn Entrepreneurial Skills in the Agricultural Sector

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

Improving Entrepreneurial Skills in the Vocational Training of Agricultural Students by Digital Game Based Learning. The project aims at developing a digital tool to promote the improvement of entrepreneurial skills in students studying at agricultural technical colleges. Entrepreneurial skills are compulsory elements in the curricula of vocational training courses in several member states. The ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

According to the EADA survey (INE-2013)the population with low qualification in Spain (ISED 0-2) represents the 45% of total population between 15-64 years, whereas the EU-27 average reaches to 27% of this collective. However there are serious differences between countries. Countries as Finland, Sweden, Czech Republic or UK obtain percentages under the European average (from 7% to 17%). The differ ...
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The rationale for the project was derived from the combined experience of health psychology researchers and practitioners who work for organisations providing vocational training and/or guidance counselling at national and European levels. The youth unemployment in Europe had reached a staggering 23.5% in the EU27. In this unemployed youth group, there is also a subgroup named NEETs – Young people ...
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Nowadays, the increasingly changing and updating new technologies have burst into the training environment allowing the development and experimentation of innovative methodologies very successfully. While the lifelong learning culture consolidates in the European SMEs, the application of these innovative training methodologies gives adjusted, customised and no-limited (in terms of time and space) ...
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Road transport sector (freight and passengers) has a central role in the continued growth of EU’s economy. In 2008, created more than 5 mill. jobs and the turnover was about 432,331 mill.€ (Statistical pocketbook 2011, EC). However, the current economic crisis is affecting the sector considerably. The crisis has cancelled out 6 years of growth (Trends in EU Road freight transport-Eurostat).The EU ...
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The TIM project has been co-financed by the European Union through the Lifelong Learning Programme and has been the result of collaboration of organizations from 6 countries: Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Poland and Greece. The project has developed an on-line Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to enhance creativity and innovation among workers in the metalworking sector.
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The global crisis has triggered a serious slowdown in world economic growth – enterprises have stopped hiring and many are laying off workers in considerable numbers. According to the 2009 Global Employment Trends Report, the actual financial crisis should result in 20 million new unemployed by the end of 2009. Older workers with low qualifications and young unemployed workers face special difficu ...
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Studies indicate a significant increasing impact and value of video transmission on a text message. It is important therefore to develop a professional cadre of knowledge content creators, who not uses it to enhance their professional status, but also affect the audience hungry for such content. Currently, the barrier is not a technological background, but just lack of knowledge and experience. Ma ...
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INMETT (Innovative Training Methodologies for Transport Trainers) was a TOI project approved on the frame of Leonardo Da Vinci call 2009, under the Lifelong Learning Program of the European Commission. The project counted with the participation of seven organizations from six different EU countries. The Federation of Transport, Communications and Sea workers´ General Union of Castile –Leon (TCM UG ...
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Transport sector is one of the most important sectors in Europe. It provides about 4.5 million jobs and generates a turnover worth about 1.6 % of EU gross domestic product. However, transport sector is unfavorable in almost all potential risk dimensions, compared with the average of all other sectors. Thus, the sector is at risk in terms of ambient conditions (noise, vapours, danger, vibrations, h ...
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... the successful development of the project activities. The consortium is composed by the promoter and coordinator INCSMPS (RO) a national research institute for labour market and social protection, INVESLAN (ES) a training and employment research company; MISTIA (PL) institute for social and economic development; p&w Germany (DE) an organization specialised in socioeconomic research and evaluation ...
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Significant part (63%) of emerging companies is founded by persons of age of 30 or more. These persons have practical experience but obsolete knowledge. This result in a 30% failure rate of these companies connected with untimely termination of life cycle of businesses. The aim is to increase the viability, competitiveness and dynamics of these enterprises. To meet this aim it is necessary to upda ...
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...aining platform which will be validated by partners through a training group with the target group.The project has been led by FESALC, the Catalonian Federation of Labour Companies and coordinated by INVESLAN (ES), a training and employment research company, which participated in the project to transfer; MISTIA (PL) institute for social and economic development of the Malpolska region; HRDC (EL) ...
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The main assumption underlying this project is the notion that the workplace is a learning environment. The learning elements involve technological development, global connections, non-formal education and training, on the job training, development of social skills such as group-work, teamwork and basic skills such as computers, languages etc. As the world of working is changing constantly, it is ...
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Following new LLP through the past years there’s a rapid growing of VET networks throughout Europe, with a strong tendency to interlocking educational activities across organisations and sectors. Apparently this shift towards multilateral and transversal cooperation in VET calls for new and innovative approaches to joint decision making, shared planning, coordinated implementation and quality cont ...
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The results of the Project are:-Diagnosis of conflict variation, their sources and means of solving them in SME sector companies, carried out in partnering countries, based on questionnaire. - Integrated tools supporting conflict and differences solving that frequently appear within SME sector. The tool mainly based on e-learning system “MUST”, consisting of two elements: 1) virtual world where th ...
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The CarEIn Project was based on TREIN – Training in Emotional Intelligence LdV Pilot Project, which main objective was the elaboration of a training tool for the promotion of the use of Emotional Intelligence skills in Continuous Training methodologies.The main reasons for transferring TREIN Project were that the training contents could be applied to other target groups, as Emotional Intelligencei ...
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One of the main strategies for fostering the entrepreneurial mindset has been developed promoting training activities focused in entrepreneurship. Several education and training institution implemented a lot of training programs intended to facilitate the self-employed of their graduates. But the results are not optimist.Since 2004, there has been no change in the percentage of Europeans wishing t ...
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...en developed by a consortium led by Careers Europe (UK) which brings together partners with the required expertise, understanding, experience and commitment to ensure the project’s success:-Inveslan a specialist research organisation in Bilbao, BEST an independent vocational training and guidance organisation in Austria, Business Foundation for Education, a guidance organisation in Bulgaria, Learn ...
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The transition to a green economy is a mega trend which affects skill needs across many different jobs and sectors. Green skills are becoming an essential part of all jobs, as happened with the ICT skills. That is why the CEDEFOP highlights that "generic skills need to be improved across the entire workforce" and "Understanding the environmental impact of an occupation needs to be mainstreamed int ...
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Immigrants have a special tendency for self-employment (and, consequently, for entrepreneurship). However, the way towards opening their own business is jeopardized by cultural and linguistic barriers, as well as by lack of knowledge of legislation (in tax and labor, for example) and of other entrepreneurial aspects. Mainstream entities and migrant-oriented associations intend to contribute to sur ...
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...f instruments and resources, collected from the different national experiences.The partnership of the project fell into 7 highly experienced partners: UGT Euskadi (ES) (project promoter), INVESLAN (ES) (project coordinator), BEST (AT), EEDE (EL), INFOART (BG), GINGERBREAD (UK) AND INCSMPS (RO).
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The main objective of the JAKIN II was to redesign JAKIN tool in order to incorporate every kind of stages associated to the assessment of the formal and non formal training, to add indicators associated to the new trends, and finally, to become a management tool for all sorts of companies; specially the smallest ones and those linked to innovation processes. JAKIN tool was developed within the fr ...
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All over Europe, unemployment figures for young adults (16-25) have become alarmingly high, with recent forecasts not being positive. National and regional policy initiatives are trying to respond to this. Respective measures are demanding solutions from training providers to make up for the fact that formal VET provision and secondary school programmes have not produced sufficient results for you ...
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This Pilot Project will have as starting point the Directive 2003/59/CE on the initial qualification and periodic training of drivers, known as the ‘Driver training’ directive, which states: “the periodic training shall be designed to expand on, and to revise, some of the subjects referred to the initial qualification”. The project aims at completing the Directive by creating common contents for t ...
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In many occasions all over Europe, the disabled people do not receive institutional care but they are treated informally in their houses by the member of family (they may be parents, children or relatives). However, these members of families have not received proper training on how to treat a disabled person and many times they do not know what to do and they want to seek advice from a training m ...
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GAme BAsed Language Learning

Start date: Dec 1, 2012,

The European Community is a diverse ensemble of regions, cultures and languages. This is an advantage as it introduces a variance of views and approaches for common problems and issues - however it is also a barrier for companies trying to internationalize or establish joint ventures in the European market or outside of it. The use of an intermediary language, like English or German is an incomple ...
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The percentage of adult population participating in education and training in EU27 remains constant since 2004 (9’3%). In some countries as Italy or Hungary this percentage has decreased (from 6.3 to 6.0% and 4.0 to 2.7% respectively). The data also shows significant differences among EU members (31.6% in Denmark compared to 1.4% in Bulgaria). Some of the mains obstacles for adult learners to part ...
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During the last years, the necessity of increasing the levels of adult population participating in lifelong learning initiatives has been made more and more evident. Despite the efforts of the European and national authorities to boost adults´ learning participation rate, the situation is still worrying. Not only adults accede lifelong learning limitedly, but also figures show clear unbalances. Wh ...
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“Social inclusion through education and training should ensure equal opportunities for access to quality education, as well as equity in treatment, including by adapting provision to individuals’ needs” [2010/C 135/02]. IN PATH – Intelligent Pathways for Better Inclusion envisages the development of a set of tools (Handbook and Training Course) with innovative approaches for adult trainers and so ...
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Project addresses Priority 5 and 2 specific objectives of the Call. It seeks to promote adult learning for female migrants/women from ethnic minorities per partner country within the consortium by creating a learning course for them. It plans Focus Workshops in all partner countries with female migrants, to initiate an intercultural dialogue with impact on communities to trigger awareness of the i ...
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Many recent studies show that the fitness of mind could be preserved for longer and thedecline of memory be slower if people used their mind more frequently. In this sense, insome countries (like US and Japan) this subject has led the creation of new services - tohelp the elderly people to preserve the fitness of their mind. There are many peoplefrom the target group who would like and are willing ...
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Building on several European projects, initiatives and networks, the AVC@SL projectaims at establishing a virtual Anti-Violence-Campus (AVC) in the virtual environment ofSecond Life. The project targets adult education providers as well as adult learnersdealing with the overall topics of school bullying, violence, racism and xenophobia.In the project’s first phase the partners and representatives ...
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The Qualified Care project aims to improve the quality of and access to professional training for family members caring for persons affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS). As there is currently no curative treatment then one of the main objectives in caring for persons affected by MS is that of improving the life of those affected and whilst this does involve medical care, it also, almost always, inv ...
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