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ALIANZA: Design and development of a management system of Dual Training for SMEs
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Over 50% of the unemployed are between 16-25 years, so the Spanish youth is one of the sectors hit hardest by the economic crisis, along with long-term unemployed adults. Because young people are also responsible for the generational change, the problem affects not only the present but also the future. Companies cannot find workers with the expertise they need and graduates of different educational levels do not obtain the preparation required by today's challenging job market. Is in this context in which the growing importance of strategies such as Dual Training can be focused, which is aimed at the professional qualification combining the processes of teaching and learning in the workplace and training center. It is about encouraging collaboration and participation of companies in vocational training systems, promoting businesses and vocational training centers strengthen their links and promote greater integration of students into employment during the training period. However SMEs, which makes up 98% of our business, highlights the enormous difficulties they have, given their limited structure to accommodate Dual Training students according to requirements of facilities, personnel in charge of student, etc. Alianza promotes the development of an innovative project in the field of Dual Training, encouraging the implementation and use of a tool aimed at strengthening the role of SMEs in the system by encouraging their participation through a management system that facilitates it. Improving the quality and effectiveness of education and training by developing Dual Training programs really adapted to the needs of SMEs and its structure is fundamental to the Alianza project, hence the development of a strategic cooperation framework between the worlds of training and enterprise, is the challenge that we consider addressing the identified priorities. The project will provide an increase of opportunities for Vocational Training students to enhance their employability through internships in the business, which can be taken according to their actual circumstances, from the point of view of its structure and from the sector itself. Alianza will also allow Vocational Training centers themselves to coordinate with the SME the Dual Training processes, adapting them to their forecasted skill needs.

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