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According to the Europe 2020 Strategy, in order to improve the productivity of the EU economy and build a competitive, sustainable society, migrants must be more effectively integrated into receiving societies. The European Agenda for the Integration of Third Country Nationals (European Commission 2011) further recognises that migrants are currently an underutilised resource and a waste of human capital in all member states. EU countries need to make the process of inward migration more attractive and unproblematic for migrants, firstly by improving the information available to them in the receiving society (e.g. job opportunities, culture, rights), avoiding clashes with the native workforce and informing migrants of their obligations. The main aim of the ‘Info for Migrants’ project is to meet this European objective of effective integration by transferring the innovative Careers Europe Eisodus migrant information database to vocational education providers and guidance centres across Europe. Previously this database was available to libraries, colleges, universities and careers guidance centres in the UK, and offered practical information about British culture and work in 23 different languages.‘Info4Migrants’ has been developed by a consortium led by Careers Europe (UK) which brings together partners with the required expertise, understanding, experience and commitment to ensure the project’s success:-Inveslan a specialist research organisation in Bilbao, BEST an independent vocational training and guidance organisation in Austria, Business Foundation for Education, a guidance organisation in Bulgaria, Learnwell Oy, an adult education provider and online educational resource developer in Finland, and Folkuniversitetet a vocational education and guidance centre in Sweden. The partnership reflects a good cross section of expertise in the fields of language, guidance, vocational training and research. All partners work directly with migrants and all are well placed in their national contexts to disseminate to a full range of national partners. The tangible impact of ‘Info for migrants’ is to provide an attractive user friendly resource, bringing together all the relevant information that migrants need in each national context for use in guidance, vocational education and training, as well as other settings where professionals are supporting migrants. aims to contribute to the overall success of mobility within the EU, as well as migration from outside the EU. It will support better integration of migrants in Europe and facilitate the understanding of migrant experience and background, responding to wider European issues such as an ageing population and the current refugee crisis.
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