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The virtual Anti-Violence-Campus at Second Life

Building on several European projects, initiatives and networks, the AVC@SL projectaims at establishing a virtual Anti-Violence-Campus (AVC) in the virtual environment ofSecond Life. The project targets adult education providers as well as adult learnersdealing with the overall topics of school bullying, violence, racism and xenophobia.In the project’s first phase the partners and representatives of the project’s target groupswill establish the infrastructure of the AVC that consists of:• an Adult Education Centre that hosts seminars, workshops and courses• a Research and Information Centre that provides seminars as well as backgroundinformation• a Creative Art Centre that hosts creative work shops, film displays and exhibitions,• an Exhibition Centre that hosts stalls and exhibition areas of different adult educationproviders, initiatives, organisations and others.Once the AVC’s infrastructure has been established the project’s second phase willfocus on activities for adult educators and adult learners that approach the project’stopic on different levels through formal lectures, workshops and seminars, but alsothrough informal methods such as role plays, creative workshops, film displays or byletting users explore areas with posters, video clips or exhibitions.Apart from being a platform that promotes e-learning the AVC aims at networking adulteducation providers, organisations, initiatives and others dealing with school bullying,violence, racism and xenophobia. As a part of the project’s dissemination andmotivational strategy, as well as providing technical assistance, free exhibition space orspace for holding own events within the AVC will be available, with the aim of attractinginitiatives and professionals establishing virtual branches and organising their ownevents in the AVC.The ABV@SL project builds on the educational potential virtual worlds like Second Lifeoffer for adult education. In virtual worlds, users can interact with others in the form ofavatars in virtual 3D classrooms, which promotes new forms of social interaction and elearningthat go beyond traditional e-learning platforms. Apart from providing e-learningevents, the project promotes a playful and critical examination of the possibilities andthe limitations that the Internet, web 2.0 and virtual worlds have for adult education.

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7 Partners Participants