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Adult Learning for MArginalised and Disadvantaged Citizens
Start date: Nov 1, 2010,

Project addresses Priority 5 and 2 specific objectives of the Call. It seeks to promote adult learning for female migrants/women from ethnic minorities per partner country within the consortium by creating a learning course for them. It plans Focus Workshops in all partner countries with female migrants, to initiate an intercultural dialogue with impact on communities to trigger awareness of the importance of cultural/linguistic diversity in EU and the need to help socially incorporate them so that they attend adult learning, develop skills and find work thus responding to the need to add active workforce in Europe (effects of ageing population). The application is relevant to both specific objectives.The innovative pedagogical guidelines 'Culture Equity Model in Adult Education', addressing teachers/trainers whose learners are female migrants, and all actors in adult education, responds to the 2 operational objectives that the project addresses; to facilitate the development of innovative practices in adult education and their transfer, and to improve pedagogical approaches and the management of adult education organisations. The innovation is the topic of the model and its content. It can be transferred to and adapted by other sectors.Project relates to complementarity: Employment & Education and Training work Programme 2010 to be achieved via the course for the migrant TGs to acquire knowledge, develop competences so that they become employable.Emphasis is given to take learners' needs and experience into account via their involvement in the course pilot testing and in its evaluation.Dissemination includes products/events such as flyer, poster, DVDs, website, informational seminars and an international conference with external experts. The exploitation activities will be organised to ensure that 20 educational organisations beyond Consortium will express interest to implement the course and the Equity Model in their organisations beyond the project lifetime.

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