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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to the EADA survey (INE-2013)the population with low qualification in Spain (ISED 0-2) represents the 45% of total population between 15-64 years, whereas the EU-27 average reaches to 27% of this collective. However there are serious differences between countries. Countries as Finland, Sweden, Czech Republic or UK obtain percentages under the European average (from 7% to 17%). The difference are even higher if we analyze these data considering the age groups, the different are higher, reaching in the case of Spain and Portugal to 80 - 90% of people over 65 years. EU average is about 45% of this group and countries as Finland, Sweden or Switzerland fall to 30% (EUROSTAT - Education survey 2013). Several research papers show that there are some key elements of the knowledge society - i.e. development of basic skills for life, participation in adult learning, blighting against the unemployment and social inclusion (among others) - are directly related to population level of qualification. The Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC - OCDE 2013), carried out in 2011-12 across 17 European countries, found that one in five adults has only the most basic level of literacy and a quarter has only the basic level of numeracy. Countries such as the Netherlands, Finland and Sweden perform much better than average on adult basic skills, whereas other countries, such as Spain and Italy, have a concentration of adults with a low level of basic skills. Nearly half (43%) of adults only have a basic level of technology- proficiency and a significant minority (13%) either lacked any computer experience or had such low levels of proficiency that they could not be tested. COGNOS project aims to contribute to the EU2020 strategy, improving the improve the level of key competences and skills, with particular regard to their relevance for the labour market and their contribution to a cohesive society through the development of basic skills (specially literacy and digital skills) in adult education and contributing to reduce the low skilled adults who are in in risk of social exclusion. For that, we will develop a open, flexible and innovative learning pathway on literacy and digital competences, based on intergenerational learning communities, in which youngers will be adults’ trainers. Promoted by Fundación Juan de los Toyos, COGNOS project will be developed by an European consortia, formed by partners from 5 different countries: Spain; Bulgaria, Portugal, Sweden and UK. Intended to respond the strategic approach of the partnership, each institution offer different background and expertise area to the project: Civil society institutions that promote learning activities to improve basic skills, learning community with experience in the use of intergenerational mentoring methodologies, institutions with a wider experience in the promotion of adult learning, consultancy with experience in development training pathways and methodologies and expertise on social research. Through project implementation we will obtain five main intellectual outputs: IO1. REPORT ON TRAINING NEEDS OF ADULTS IN RISK OF SOCIAL EXCLUSION ON LITERACY AND DIGITAL BASIC COMPETENCES IO2. COGNOS TRAINING ITINERARY ON LITERACY AND DIGITAL BASIC COMPETENCES FOR ADULTSIO3. Trainers’ handbook IO3. COGNOS Trainers’ handbook IO4. COGNOS Guide for Intergenerational Trainers IO5. Learners’ COGNOS guide. What and how learn. The project main outputs will be addressed to the collective that works in adult education as: Facilitators, literacy tutors and basic education teachers/trainers, Adults education professionals, Volunteers, Educators, Social workers, Psychologists, career counselors and pedagogics, Instructors. Besides it will impact on the direct beneficiaries adults with low basic competences on literacy and ICT. At the end, the project will impact on training structures - Improving the learning environment for adults; - Providing a new methodology to train adults on basic skills; - Creating a critical mass about the development of basic skills and new learning methodologies. The project will have a total duration of 24 month, starting in September 2014 and ending on August 2016.
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