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39 European Projects Found

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Aktywny nauczyciel- kreatywny uczeń

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

The school is attended by students from a small town and 9 surrounding villages. Many of them come from difficult environments and have low self-esteem which result in lack of motivation to learn leading to poor educational results. As far as teachers are concerned, they feel stressed and hopeless in tasks undertaken. That is why the aim of this project is to raise teachers’ self-assessment throug ...
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Small businesses in European regions - step by step

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

12- to 16-year-old pupils at four European schools offering high standards of education will be encouraged to discover the world of economics from the situation in their region to a European scale. In the course of a three-year project conducted by four schools from Poland, Germany, Italy, and Sweden will they not only widen their sense of economic processes, but also develop personal and social ...
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Healthy? Wealthy. Top tips.

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2018,

The project refers to international cooperation in the field of school education. Its title illustrates our care and effort to equip students in knowledge and skills crucial for their future success and wellbeing. The partnership was established to work together on a wide range of issues related to alimentary culture and the cooperation will enable to reach complex objectives derived from the deve ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

To react for the growing problems of the EU with immigration in Europe and the rising antipathy of EU citizens in relation to foreigners, Europejskie Forum Młodzieży has developed the project "YOUTH and DIVERSITY - EVS OpenMind ZONE", which very important aspect is to help young people to gain the ability to build their own opinion on diversity and problem of immigration, strongly connected with c ...
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The aim of the project is to train a group of 11 teachers – experts in the CLIL field, as well as in the area of using the latest technologies in teaching. Thanks to the competencies acquired by the participants and in the cooperation with them, we're planning to extend the number of subjects taught in English in our secondary school and to establish a bilingual high school with a high level of t ...
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Nauczyciel XXI wieku

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Project Title: Teacher XXI centuryBeneficiary: John Paul II Middle School/Secondary School in MilowkaNumber of participants: 7Schools, which will be implemented training-Cork Language Centers, Ireland, Cork-St. Giles International, United Kingdom, London"The teacher XXI century" is a project to improve the quality of teachers John Paul II Secondary School in Milowka. Investment in human resources ...
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Język pomaga zrozumieć siebie i świat

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

The project „ Language helps to understand ourselves and the world” for mobility of school Staff will be fulfilled by Gimnazjum Miejskie nb 2 in Minsk Mazowiecki for 18 months from 01.07.2016 to 31.12.2017.The main aims of the project:- Raising the level of English teachers’ methodological and language competence- Creating possibility for the English language teachers to have a contact with every ...
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Język angielski narzędziem rozwoju zawodowego.

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

Gimnazjum nr 1 im. Jana Pawła II(Secondary school) is situated in Zywiec (south part of Poland).The city has 32.000 inhabitants.Our school was established in 1999 as a result of educational reform.The pupils attending to our school are mostly from Żywiec but the number of pupils from surroundings places is growing by the year .More and more , foreigners become our pupils. The evaluation that has b ...
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Our project 'We understand youth - developing language and IT skills for Gimnazjum Niegowa teachers' is the next step of realizing the European Development Plan in the school. It has been written for teachers from Gimnazjum im. Jana Pawła II w Niegowie and involves participation in an intensive English course and later in an IT course abroad. The selection criteria are mostly how long the candid ...
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"Języki obce - uczymy nowocześnie i z pasją"

Start date: Jun 27, 2016, End date: Dec 26, 2017,

Title of the project - "Foreign languages - teaching with innovation an passion"Objectives of the project: • to develop teaching methods and techniques,• to practice language in an English or German-speaking country,• to expand cultural knowledge of English and German-speaking countries,• to explore and reflect on the aspects of EU countries,• to acquire partners for a school exchange,• to encour ...
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The project – We Learn How to Teach Better – raising the competences of teachers of Gimnazjum im. Jana Pawła II (John Paul’s secondary school) in Istebna, answers the needs stated in the School’s European Strategic Plan in the areas of: 1. the increase of the level of basic skills, the increase of the level and quality of teaching Mathematics and Science, the raise of students’ learning motivation ...
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The beneficiaries of the project which is expected to start in June 2016 and finish in October 2017 are a group of seven teachers working in the John Paul II middle school in Mlynarze. They are the teachers of eight different subject areas: English, Polish, German, Mathematics, Geography, History, I.T. and Civics. The teachers have been working in this school for ten years, 8 of which they have s ...
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The project SiE4E will contribute to the achievement of this overall objective: Development, implementation and transfer of innovative practices to schools, local and regional authorities, teachers, education organizations and others types of organizations in the Programme Countries through the following specific objective or purpose: Improve school education practices and social inclusion connect ...
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This strategic partnership takes cogniscance of the power of therapeutic music and arts centred experiences to alter emotional states and engender the positive engagement of self with the world. Through the planned activities and experiences of the project, we will apply this observation to support teachers in extending their professional capacities as classroom-based therapeutic practitioners wh ...
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Gender Equality Across Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...nding values. The partners involved in this action are four secondary schools : -Collège Georges Braque, ( Rheims, France); -IES María Blasco, ( San Vicente del Raspeig, near Valenciana, Spain); -Gimnazjum z Oddzialami Dwujezycznymi im. Jana Pawla II (Glinianka, about 30 km from Warsaw,Poland); -fatih mesleki ve teknik anadolu lisesi (Istanbul, Turkey). The project is based on the crossed views ...
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...pecialized in History of Art and Languages, “Tampereen Lyseon Lukio” in Finland and “Cato Bontjes van Beek Gymnasium” in Germany focus on Natural and Social Sciences and Languages, “Gimnazjum nr 1 im. Jana Pawla II” in Poland has a Sport and Language profile, and finally our school mainly focuses on the areas of Mathematics, Languages and ICT. Every school has their strengths and weaknesses, but w ...
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Together we can

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Early school leaving is a very important problem that is linked to unemployment, social exclusion, and poverty. There are many reasons why some young people give up education and training prematurely:personal or family problems, learning difficulties, or a fragile socio-economic situation. Some of the most common reasons that are common for all school partners in this project are addressed to a ra ...
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Be Healthy, Be Natural, Be Smart

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Health is a natural gift, but to keep it we must take into consideration a healthy lifestyle. The project is built from the need to improve the quality of life of our students. A healthy life is a natural life. "Be Healthy, Be Natural, Be Smart" aims to inspire, guide and encourage new generations to live healthily. The project aims to improve education and establish healthy habits by examples o ...
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Yes For Traditional Dishes - No More Obesity !

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Obesity each year, making the whole world continues to take hold of. all over the world is a serious threat to human health. and investigations has increased the obesity report with each passing.overall, more than 10% of the adult world population is obese.(WHO) Before starting to work on this project on the theme of obesity with partners "enjoy your meal! Let's eat and learn! "was launched a ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project´s title is ‘DON'T FORGET, BE AWARE, FIGHT FOR A FAIR EUROPE’ and the countries that are participating are: Spain, Lithuania, Slovakia, Greece, Italy, Poland, Finland and Turkey. All partners will prepare a Short-term exchanges which will include a seminar about the National Educational System and the way their schools work focusing on the way they face the school failure and the leavin ...
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Building up Bridges towards Autonomy

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The main objective of the project is the development of a partnership among four schools in Portugal, United Kingdom, Poland and Spain that want to create a new methodology in which the students will be the center of the whole teaching / learning process. The partner schools have already been using strategies and practices concerning the development of independent work, problem-solving and critic ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The need of long life learning is caused by globalization, dynamic economy based on modern technologies, industrial revolution, easy access to the Internet and continuous changes within the society. New standards of teaching are created. The tasks of a modern school are to provide complex development, discover talents and decrease the differences in teaching level. These processes are impossible w ...
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,,Młodzi w akcji - wolontariusze w Kotlinie Kłodzkiej''

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The project participants will be young people between 18 and 30 years of age originating from diverse backgrounds including disadvantaged, having a different level of education wanting to break their personal and language barriers as well as gain additional experience in the areas of life previously unknown. The Europejskie Forum Młodzieży, together with partner organizations and the project ” You ...
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As a group of schools (primary school and middle school) we educate our pupils for 9 years, what is a challenge and a chance at the same time. This is a chance because we have the time for teaching personalities of a young children, preparing them to work, teaching them orderliness and conscientiousness; thanks to our long-term observations, we can also identify students’ problems and define their ...
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The project "Know more-developing skills of Gimnazjum of John Paul 2nd teachers" aims at improving teachers' qualifications, knowledge and skills so that it will be possible to execute the main objective of the "European plan of the school's development"- giving the school European dimension and improving the quality of educational services by modernizing the content and form of teaching, increasi ...
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Project background: Because of changes transforming the regional labour markets into the European labour market our school has also changed its requirements. Our institution should, and also wants to, prepare the students to live in the common Europe, and help them to find their place on the European labour market. This is why our teachers multicultural competence, as well as their ability to mana ...
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ValEUs - connecting Europe?

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Nowadays there are many profound challenges the EU and its member states have to face. On the one hand there are still the noticeable effects of the world economic crisis and the associated discussion about a "Multispeed Europe" and potential exits from the monetary union. On the other hand terroristic assassinations threaten safety and democratic values of EU´s citizens. Nevertheless there are ...
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Today’s teacher’s are confronted with mastering the huge amount of digital skills and simultaneously also challenged by the need to be updated and to be innovative and creative in a world were the digital format constitutes an indispensable bridge towards the day by day reality of the students. The idea is to reinforce digital bridges of communication in a learning and teaching context, seeking to ...
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Tell me where you live, I'll tell you what you eat

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

1. Learning foreign languages It is sometimes difficult to make our pupils aware of the usefulness of learning foreign languages. A concrete use of these languages will make them understand that modern communication necessarily requires the knowledge of several languages and that they are a priceless asset on the job market. 2. Information and communication technologies Moreover, teenagers often l ...
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''Save the earth - to be here tomorrow! ''

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

We should begin to change the lifestyles from our schools. Because in our schools the education given is not sufficient to raise environmental awareness and therefore our students do not have enough knowledge about conscious consumption. For instance, on the issues of the usage of our natural sources and consumption of energy, they behave unconsciously by leaving on the sink and toilet taps after ...
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With the changes in the regional labour markets into a European labour market the requirements at our school have changed. Our school should and wants to prepare our students for Europe and for the European labour market. That is why the teachers‘ intercultural and project management skills have had to be significantly improved. Intercultural skills are a multidisciplinary competence and an essent ...
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EVS miejscem rozwoju, przedsiębiorczości, aktywności i przyjaźni

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

In the project titled ,,EVS as a place of development,entrepreneurship, activity and friendship'' Europejskie Forum Młodzieży will involve 30 young people between age 18-30. This will be mainly the youth with fewer opportunities, that will gain new experience through the short-term and long-term project and also through the work for the local community. The youngsters will also break their persona ...
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The project "Improving the quality of education in maths and science by using the newest ICT tools and innovative teaching methods" was included in the strategical aims of school work. These aims were : innovative approach, work with a talented student, international cooperation, cooperation with local citizens and well-equipped school. The project was carried out for 24 months form 01.06.201 ...
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Objectives of the project: - to develop teaching methods and techniques - to expand knowledge of Austrian culture - to explore and reflect on Austrian stereotypes in Austria and EU countries - to acquire partners for a school exchange - to motivate students to learn German - to promote EU funding of teacher trainings Number of participants: 1 Participant’s profile: a Polish teacher of Germ ...
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Different origin - joint future

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Oct 16, 2014,

The European Union had to face some real big challenges in 2014, e.g. a high unemployment rate among youths, the lack of skilled labour because of outward migration an demographic change and also social inequality in and between the EU-Member States. To fight these challenges it is never enough to make right and pathbreaking decisions. It also needs the agreement and some fresh ideas of the citize ...
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Lyžařské závody žáků - Sjezd hvězd - Zjazd Gwiaździsty

Start date: Sep 30, 2006, End date: Mar 30, 2007,

Jedná se o jednodenní sportovní akci mládeže - soutěž ve slalomu a běhu na lyžích pro věkovou kategorii 6-15 let. Závodníci budou rozdělení do věkových kategorií dle věku a pohlaví. Jednotlivé věkové katergorie budou závodit ve vymezených běžeckých a slalomových tratích. Soutěže se účastní na 500 žáků škol s polským jazykem vyučovacím v České republice a v letošním roce poprve také na 40 žáků spo ...
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Validity Of Tolerance and Education

Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

The project "VOTE! - Validity Of Tolerance & Education" creates the unique chance to 30 young people (especially those with fewer opportunities) between 18-30 years old to be involved in voluntary work abroad for a period from 2 to 10 months to another country.In a frame of the "VOTE!" project EFM will cooperate with EU countries: Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Poland & other Partner Cou ...
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The project “Membership Of Volunteering Experience!” is designed to young people especially with fewer opportunities coming from difficult backgrounds between ages of 18-30. The youngsters will have the possibility to go abroad for a period from 2 to 10 months to practice or gain new skill and live in the new community. EFM is going to implement the project together with partner organizations from ...
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In 2010-MT-1 two Turkish volunteers totally will participate in this project lasting 1 months in Malta . They will be volunteer on interesting in particulary “CATS”.The aims of the project for the volunteers are to mingle the volunuters with Maltese European counterpart; In 2010-PL-35 volunteers will help with non-formal language conversations after school in English or in the volunteer's mother t ...
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