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Aktywny nauczyciel- kreatywny uczeń
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The school is attended by students from a small town and 9 surrounding villages. Many of them come from difficult environments and have low self-esteem which result in lack of motivation to learn leading to poor educational results. As far as teachers are concerned, they feel stressed and hopeless in tasks undertaken. That is why the aim of this project is to raise teachers’ self-assessment through gaining skills how to manage with stress, learning new methods of work and foreign language development in order to broaden the school actions by participation in e-Twinning projects and introducing CLIL at school. There are 11 participants who are going to take part in the project. They are qualified teachers: the head teacher and the deputy head teacher, the leaders of subject teams: mathematical-natural, humanities, of Physical Education as well as the leader of In-School Teacher Training, the librarian, the school educationist, an English teacher, the IT teacher and the secretary. They have a dozen years of work experience. Within the project we willundertake the following actions:a) The preparations:- Thirty-hour language course in our school with the aim of communicative use of English (February 2017)- Culture training concerning the cultures of countries we are going to visit (March 2017)b) Mobility:- A week language coursein St. Julian’s in Malta(May 2017) developing fluency and language use to communicate with foreign partners and take part in methodological courses.- A week-long course “Action Methods Improving Motivation and Quality in the Learning Situation” in Lisbon, Portugal. It’s purpose is to learn methods improving active learningand setting a positive climate as well as safe atmosphere (July 2017).- A weeklycourse “Handling Stress and Avoiding Burnout” in Palermo, Italy, teaching theparticipants how to deal with stress and avoid burnout.( February 2018)c) Implementation:- conducting classes using CLIL method once a month by an English teacher and another teacher – a project participant,- creating a psychological support group and sharing knowledge with other teachers,- taking part in e-Twinning project,- applying for Erasmus +: Youth project.d) Popularization:- posting information about the project on the school and the leading bodywebsites and also sharing knowledge with other teachers.After completing the project the teachers will fill in the questionnaire on meeting their expectations. Final reports will be written. After conducting classes with the CLIL method, the head teacher will assess its usefulness and the participants of e-Twinning projects will evaluate them; the remarks will be presented in during the teachers’ meeting. Monitoring of the support group made by the educationist will provide with information concerning teacher’s competences. Attendance analysis and survey among the students will prove the effects of teachers’ actions. By taking part in the project, the teachers will develop language skills at the level of A2/B1. They will be able to undertake international partnership through e-Twinning projects participation. The school will be able to open up to foreign contacts which will strengthen self-assessment of the teachers and students and improve the school image in the environment. Our lower secondary school will enhance the quality of the work by introducing the CLIL elements into didactic work. Wider usage of English by students will influence the results of the foreign language examination. The Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher will gain the experience in project management. The project participants, and through them other teachers and students, will be able to handle with stress, learn new methods of work and gain the ability to effective motivating to work as well as setting a positive climate for learning. The project will motivate the teachers to work, influence their creativity and strengthen their belief in own abilities. Students will like school more and will be more eager to learn which will make the results of final exams better. It will also decrease difficulties in choosing higher school. Foreign partners will learn about Polish culture and system of education.
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