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Nauczyciel XXI wieku
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project Title: Teacher XXI centuryBeneficiary: John Paul II Middle School/Secondary School in MilowkaNumber of participants: 7Schools, which will be implemented training-Cork Language Centers, Ireland, Cork-St. Giles International, United Kingdom, London"The teacher XXI century" is a project to improve the quality of teachers John Paul II Secondary School in Milowka. Investment in human resources is the best way for the development of the whole school. The achievement of practical experience, the learning new teaching methods and the use of innovative tools, improve their language skills, being in an intercultural society will help to improve the skills of individual teachers, and consequently the school students. The acquired knowledge and new skills will be disseminated and implemented both in their daily work with students and the whole educational environment (other teachers, parents, other schools, institutions, partnerships etc.)7 teachers will participate in a two-week training in Ireland or Great Britain. The project participants will be teachers of foreign languages (two English and one German), three teachers of general subjects and one tutor. The project participants are well qualified people, who are open to new challenges and their development. The teachers are also easy contacting people. They are a conscientious person, who professionally perform their daily duties. More over in the project will be involved the whole school community, ranging from the management of the school by their parents, ending with the students.The project will be divided into several main activities. The first step will be preparation (linguistic, cultural, organizational), where participants will try to acquire the necessary knowledge useful to them in time-out. The second activity is the mobility, during which teachers will focus on improving language skills, knowledge of new and innovative teaching methods, follow-up work, making personal contacts that will allow for the implementation of cooperation projects in the future, as well as knowledge of the culture of the country in which there will be training. After returning from the teachers mobility they will report the training and will work on the beneficial effects of the school development in the future. Using the website, the trips presentations, the direct conversations with other school staff, as well as the daily lessons will help teachers to convey the greatest amount of knowledge which gave them the participation in the project. The last action will be evaluation of the project. At this stage, will be the assessment of the entire project, its impact on our school, teachers, pupils and the local community. In addition, it will be important to draw essential conclusions for the future, which will be needed in participation in these types future projectsThe project has been carefully thought out and analyzed. The key to its success will be teamwork involved in it. After each stage the project will be evaluated of previous activities in order to check whether its purposes have been achieved. Thanks to the feedback and remarks of participants will be possible to make changes in order to improve the implementation of the project. At the end of the project the evaluation will be carried out. Its purpose will be to survey the strengths and the weaknesses of the project.The main, expected results of the project are: to improve the qualifications and skills of employees (inter alia, through the knowledge of modern, innovative teaching methods), improved language skills. All this will increase the level of teaching in the school. Through participation in an international project facility will increase its European dimension (including through greater emphasis on topics pro-European). The whole school, especially those responsible for certain actions, tasks, thanks to the participation in the project will gain more experience in management. To sum up, the project will bring tangible benefits to teachers, students and the entire local community. The prestige of the school will significantly increase.Long-term benefits for John Paul II Secondary School in Milowka will be: to raise the level of teaching in schools, the positive impact of the project participants to other teachers and students. Also, the use of innovative methods and techniques of teaching in school will create an opportunity for the further development of international cooperation (by establishing contacts will be possible to participate in future European projects, as well as training, conferences, seminars and exchanges of both teaching staff and students). As a result, the school will be seen as a modern European institution, educating in the spirit of openness, diversity and respect for other cultures.

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