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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project´s title is ‘DON'T FORGET, BE AWARE, FIGHT FOR A FAIR EUROPE’ and the countries that are participating are: Spain, Lithuania, Slovakia, Greece, Italy, Poland, Finland and Turkey. All partners will prepare a Short-term exchanges which will include a seminar about the National Educational System and the way their schools work focusing on the way they face the school failure and the leaving school early (if it concerns), a seminar about the consequence of WWI I in their countries (Concentration Camps), in Spain it will be about the Spanish Civil War, a Pedagogical seminars about how to teach/learn the Holocaust/Extermination: Auschwitz (International Center for Education) and History Seminars: Lithuania, Greece, Italy, Poland, Finland, Spain and Turkey. The seminars are very important in order to achieve the aims of the project which are improving and acquiring innovative pedagogical tools and resources for students and teachers in order to fight against the new forms of totalitarianism in Europe and updating the didactic material under a new perspective according to the current reality and the needs of the society that we are living. The participants will be Students of secondary education schools and vocational education. We address to students from different groups and levels because we also want to involve participants with fewer opportunities which are suffering from the consequence of the crisis and of social isolation. Those participants will be benefit from the grant so that money will not be a reason for not participating. We will try to involve their families in the project throughout the Parents Association. At the same time teachers and Departments will work together to reach the results of the project. All partners will make as a final product Four teaching units about WWI from the following perspectives: Resistance, Collaboration, Indifference and current totalitarian messages from radical parties in Europe. That T.U. will be based on testimonies of survivors and on a selection of materials: pictures, writings, speeches and movies, and they will not only deal with historical question but also with ethical such as Democracy, Human Rights, totalitarian parties, xenophobia, etc. Through that T.U. we want to emphasize the importance of the social activism in order to have a real Democracy but without causing negative attitudes to the representatives of the different countries. The TU will be a part of a book of 4 groups (4 x 7= 28 TT.UU.) which will follow the same structure: a) Historical introduction b) Historical materials c) Content, Concept and Procedure d) Activities e) Recourses and bibliography The project is complementary to other works carried out by the partners related to our topic: 1. "Roots" project in Lithuania. 2. Missions for finding Jewish cemeteries. 3. Organizing seminars, delivering educational lectures on Holocaust. 4. Managing the funds of the Jewish Museum, etc. All partners will make as a final product: 1. A teaching guide (goals, contents and process) about how to fight the current radical totalitarianism through the History of the concentration camps in Europe, the consequence of the Spanish Civil War and the History and its relationship with the national History focused on the way in which the society reacts when facing the new reality during the extermination: four didactic units:Collaboration, Indifference, Impotence and Resistance. This point includes an anthology of texts, fragments of movies/documentaries and pictures about that. 2. A home movie/documentary made by all partner students which will includes survivors' testimonies and students feelings and opinions after knowing the History from a pedagogical point of view. 3. A seminar about the Holocaust in Auschwitz Foundation-Teaching (Poland) at the beginning of the project to learn tools in order to elaborate on pedagogical material attending to our current necessity. 4. A power-point presentation (by students) about the concentration camp in each country 5. A little biography of a person or family whose life was linked to the WWII and a concentration camp from a pedagogical point of view. We are interested specially in noted people which resisted and were opposed to the dominant power. 6. A booklet about the artistic works developed as an experience of living in the CC from a comparative point of view according to the subjects and countries. 7. A dramatical performance as a tribute to the people that died in Auschwitz with a reading and songs by students. 8. Europass exchanges. 9. Improvement of pedagogical and didactic skills to make students understand the importance of social activi

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7 Partners Participants