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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project refers to international cooperation in the field of school education. Its title illustrates our care and effort to equip students in knowledge and skills crucial for their future success and wellbeing. The partnership was established to work together on a wide range of issues related to alimentary culture and the cooperation will enable to reach complex objectives derived from the development programme of each participating institution. Realisantion of such multiple tasks individually would be barely possible as both too overwhelming and based on limited resources. The topic chosen to be the subject of cooperation reflects contemporary problems connected with nourishment, which is a crucial part of human activity and an important factor contributing to individual and social wellbeing. The far-sighted aim of the work is to enrich educational potential of school, ensure the European dimension of education, create the base of variable educational materials accessible for interested teachers and influence students attitude towards nourishment related problems to help them lead more healthy and more sustainable life. In the background of our work there will be permanent stress on helping students develop their personalities towards more tolerant, more aware, more success-prone and self-confident, more open-minded individuals. Hence, the project contributes to students’ future success by providing knowledge, developing skills and building foundations under the youth creativity and entrepreneurship. The partnership is composed of seven schools providing education of secondary level. The involved institutions represent both general and vocational profile which ensures that partners will have wider possibilities to get insight into rich methodology and different educational approaches. It will be the priority of each participating school to share the best of their know-how and to let partners benefit from their achievements. The schools will share responsibilities and contribute to the final outcomes of the cooperation. The international and multicultural context of the partnership forms the ground which reflects the need to realize educational enterprises in integrity, which proves common care for future prosperity of the whole European community. The activities the project offers are manifold and range from knowledge-gain, learning and teaching activities, to production of variable outcomes and dissemination of the results. The starting point will be the diagnosis of students alimentary habits and their knowledge connected with nourishment. Following the subsequent stages of planned cooperation, we intend to involve our students into a number of international meetings during which they will take part in lectures and workshops devoted to particular issues connected with food and nutrition. The knowledge gained will be the basis to work on materials to disseminate the results to school and local community in order to ensure the project the largest possible impact. Students will be introduced into the work from its earliest stage and will be guaranteed active involvement in the whole enterprise which is perceived as the way to equip them in abilities necessary to plan and organize work, to produce the outcomes and to make them well known to the public. To equip students in skills which are perceived as priorities, we are going to use IT techniques widely and to make them the tool to search for information, exchange materials, create products and disseminate the results. The role of the English language as the tool of international communication will be also exposed and we expect significant increase in language competency and fluency. The planned results are both of material and non-material character. Within the material ones, we plan to produce a number of materials of educational, informative and instructive profile. When planning the far-sighted aims of the cooperation, the project intends to shape students awareness in the area of food intake and influence their eating habits to let them lead healthy, sustainable life. We expect that such attitude will result in the decrease of youth obesity as well as in reduction of potential food related health hazards. The project will also contribute to strengthen the bonds between our nations, spread friendship, mutual respect and stress the role of mutual responsibility. Hence, our cooperation will help build the community free from prejudice and negligence. By making it possible for the young to participate in international enterprises we teach them how to coexist in modern, multicultural society of contemporary Europe. Such a complex insight into food related issues assumes inspiring students to continue active involvement in nourishment policy both by incorporating changes into their diet and by using the potential for their future occupations.
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6 Partners Participants