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Umieć i wiedzieć więcej - podniesienie kwalifikacji nauczycieli Gimnazjum im. Jana Pawła II w Istebnej
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Know more-developing skills of Gimnazjum of John Paul 2nd teachers" aims at improving teachers' qualifications, knowledge and skills so that it will be possible to execute the main objective of the "European plan of the school's development"- giving the school European dimension and improving the quality of educational services by modernizing the content and form of teaching, increasing the use of activating methods and teaching practical learning with the use of information technology and language competence. The participants of the project will be foreign language teachers and other teachers working in Gimnazjum of John Paul 2nd in Istebna. In planned mobilities, appointed and certified teachers who still work on improving their workshop and are involved in the school actions, will take part. The foreign language teachers will take part in courses on which they will learn about new teaching methods with the special use of information technology, enrich their teaching workshop and get to know European standards of teaching. Other subjects' teachers will improve their language skills, and after that they will be well-prepared to use English during some parts of their lessons. All the participants will learn about new, European methods of teaching, ways of activating and motivating students to work, incorporating the lifelong learning process, making the lessons more interesting and effective by the use of ICT. As the result of the project, the efficiency and quality of teaching will be improved by the use of new methods with the special consideration of information technology. The level of students' activeness in the field of self-studying will raise and develop. The cooperation between the teachers of our school and the other teachers from European countries will result in partnership projects between schools. Incorporating CLIL in teaching process, implementing partnership projects and students' mobilities will help to develop students' language skills with the special attention to the practical use of language in everyday situations. The students then will be able to get jobs in the tourism sector and the region where they live will become more attractive to foreign tourists. The measurable outcome of the actions incorporated in the project will be seen in better exams' results, especially in foreign languages, that students take at the end of their last school year. Making the school, teachers and students more open to other cultures and values, will result in increasing the level of tolerance, building the need of cooperation and integration as well as developing the feeling of local patriotism. Teachers' cooperation and partnership projects will be also a good opportunity to promote the school and our region together with its cultural heritage and tourist attractions.
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