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21st Century European Classrooms: meeting the challenge of the digital era with innovation and creativity
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Today’s teacher’s are confronted with mastering the huge amount of digital skills and simultaneously also challenged by the need to be updated and to be innovative and creative in a world were the digital format constitutes an indispensable bridge towards the day by day reality of the students. The idea is to reinforce digital bridges of communication in a learning and teaching context, seeking to perform good practices concerning strategies and tools that can be of use and help , both for students and teachers, in the classrooms or more broadly in the school, understood as an open space of learning and teaching meaningful experiences. To keep up with the ICT dynamics and to use them adequately in classroom context it’s a challenge where the schools is always a bit late. Being conscientious of such a gap, nevertheless the schools can’t afford to stand still or too late. So this project is about students and teacher around Europe, in several and diverse contexts and with plural ways of relate with ICT technologies in different kinds of classrooms, gathering experiences of different ways of dealing with the challenges mentioned above, defining and assuming good practices and creating school dynamics that facilitate overcoming some difficulties or problem situations regarding the digital era and the needs to obtain better performance by the European classrooms in the 21st century. This project departs from the assumed need of diminishing the gap between the digital use of technology inside and outside the School and also the need to be creative and innovative by using digital tools and strategies incorporating ICT techniques. Our schools and in our classes we must be able to keep amazing about learning an teaching. Improving skills, exchanging good practices and building new dynamics for classroom in a ICT and digital context, allows students and teachers to potentiate the evolution needed towards the future classroom. The transversal nature stated by this project goals, both for students and for teachers, creates a greater impact dimension for the wanted results at the end of the projects. As curriculum concerns, this transversal approach on digital and ICT impacts in wider range of subjects, ages, themes and classes. We’ve built a trans sectorial Project with the Promethean Limited, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and different sized schools from 5 countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria and Poland). There’s a wide range of educational systems and contexts to provide a good foundation for debating the issues and to address the work needed to build a good framework for the good practices notebook, understood as an open document to grow along the growth of the digital dynamics and evolution on education fields. This project has also as fundamental goals, not only the exchange of experiences, building and sharing of good practices, skills improvement and pedagogical materials product in, but also de need for the teacher around Europe debate and develop awareness on steps needed and taken in different schools, about the theme of this project, with different backgrounds and different kind of solutions or ways to deal with sometimes similar problems. This space of debate and exchange of ideas and innovative projects, among teacher, seeking for innovative classroom management, appealing to ICT resources and strategies would be held by the physical presence in meetings around the partners countries, having the support of the know how and experience of a partner like the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Also about teachers training, we intend to develop short time events, as we will present with more detail later in this form. There are also other collateral goals intended by this project, such as the joined investigation on subjects concerning the mainstream underlined on this project title, regarding education, ICT and pedagogy, the production of materials to spread de debates and the good practices awareness, departing from the partner countries and sharing with others, using ICT ways (etwinning for instance). Finally, even foreign language improvements will certainly be achieved by the participants and constitute an important way of reaching the idea of Europe identity. This project is about presenting and exchanging innovative projects among the partners, to eventual sharing activities with the other teacher around Europe, seeking an innovative management of the psichopedagogical classroom, appealing to ICT resources, tools and strategies. It’s all about experiences exchange aiming for the improvement in classroom work, objectifying strong and weak point in the use of the digital ways in class.

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6 Partners Participants